Source code for lenstools.simulations.igs1

from __future__ import division,print_function,with_statement

import os,re

import numpy as np

from astropy.cosmology import FlatwCDM
from import fits
from astropy.units import deg

from ..image.convergence import ConvergenceMap

#######Loader function for IGS1#######

def igs1_load(self,filename):

	kappa_file =
	angle = kappa_file[0].header["ANGLE"] * deg
	kappa = kappa_file[0].data.astype(np.float)

	return angle,kappa

###########IGS1 class#################

[docs]class IGS1(FlatwCDM): """ Class handler of the IGS1 simulations set, inherits the cosmological parameters from the astropy.cosmology.FlatwCDM class; the default parameter values are the fiducial ones """ #Don't touch these! _class_name = "IGS1" _series_name = "m" _num_particles = 512 _box_size_mpc = 240 _lens_plane_size = 4096 _data_loader = igs1_load def __init__(self,H0=72.0,Om0=0.26,w0=-1.0,sigma8=0.798,ns=0.960,root_path=None,name=None): super(IGS1,self).__init__(H0,Om0,w0=w0,name=name) self.sigma8 = sigma8 self.ns = ns assert root_path is not None,"You must specify the root path of your {0} local copy!".format(self._class_name) self.root_path = root_path #Don't touch these! self._cosmo_id_string = "Om{0:.3f}_Ol{1:.3f}_w{2:.3f}_ns{3:.3f}_si{4:.3f}".format(self.Om0,1.0-self.Om0,self.w0,self.ns,self.sigma8) self._box_string = str(self._num_particles)+"b"+str(self._box_size_mpc) self._full_path = os.path.join(self.root_path,self._series_name+"-"+self._box_string+"_"+self._cosmo_id_string) def __repr__(self): astropy_string = super(IGS1,self).__repr__() pieces = astropy_string.split(",") si8_piece = u" sigma8={0}".format(self.sigma8) ns_piece = u" ns={0}".format(self.ns) return ",".join(pieces[:3] + [si8_piece,ns_piece] + pieces[3:]) def _plane_id(self,z): if z==1.0: return "0029p" elif z==1.5: return "0038p" elif z==2.0: return "0046p" else: raise ValueError("IGS1 doesn't have maps at redshift {0}".format(z))
[docs] def squeeze(self,with_ns=False): """ Returns the cosmological parameters of the model in numpy array form :param with_ns: if True returns also ns as the last parameter :type with_ns: bool. :returns: numpy array (Om0,w0,si8,ns--optionally) """ if with_ns: return np.array([self.Om0,self.w0,self.sigma8,self.ns]) else: return np.array([self.Om0,self.w0,self.sigma8])
def squeezePower(self,power=0.5,with_ns=False): """ Same as squeeze, but returns the doublet (w0,si8 x Om0^power) where power can be specified :param power: power at which to raise Om0 in the combination with sigma8 :type power: float. :param with_ns: if True returns also ns as the last parameter :type with_ns: bool. :returns: numpy array (w0,si8 x Om^power,ns--optionally) """ if with_ns: return np.array([self.w0,self.sigma8*(self.Om0**power),self.ns]) else: return np.array([self.w0,self.sigma8*(self.Om0**power)]) @classmethod def getModels(cls,root_path="/default"): """ On call, this class method returns a list of IGS1 instances initialized with the cosmological parameters of all the models available in the suite :param root_path: path of your IGS1 simulations copy :type root_path: str. :returns: list of IGS1 instances initialized with the cosmological parameters available in the suite """ #These are the available models in the suite available_models = [ {"Om0":0.26,"Ode0":0.74,"w0":-1.0,"si8":0.798,"ns":0.960} ] available_models.append({"Om0":0.29,"Ode0":0.71,"w0":-1.0,"si8":0.798,"ns":0.960}) available_models.append({"Om0":0.23,"Ode0":0.77,"w0":-1.0,"si8":0.798,"ns":0.960}) available_models.append({"Om0":0.26,"Ode0":0.74,"w0":-0.8,"si8":0.798,"ns":0.960}) available_models.append({"Om0":0.26,"Ode0":0.74,"w0":-1.2,"si8":0.798,"ns":0.960}) available_models.append({"Om0":0.26,"Ode0":0.74,"w0":-1.0,"si8":0.850,"ns":0.960}) available_models.append({"Om0":0.26,"Ode0":0.74,"w0":-1.0,"si8":0.750,"ns":0.960}) available_models.append({"Om0":0.26,"Ode0":0.74,"w0":-1.0,"si8":0.798,"ns":1.000}) available_models.append({"Om0":0.26,"Ode0":0.74,"w0":-1.0,"si8":0.798,"ns":0.920}) model_list = [ cls(root_path=root_path,name="Om{0:.3f}_Ol{1:.3f}_w{2:.3f}_ns{3:.3f}_si{4:.3f}".format(model["Om0"],model["Ode0"],model["w0"],model["ns"],model["si8"]),H0=72.0,Om0=model["Om0"],w0=model["w0"],sigma8=model["si8"],ns=model["ns"]) for model in available_models ] return model_list
[docs] def getNames(self,realizations,z=1.0,kind="convergence",big_fiducial_set=False): """ Get the full name of the IGS1 maps, once a redshift, realization identificator and kind are specified :param z: redshift plane of the maps, must be one of [1.0,1.5,2.0] :type z: float. :param realizations: list of realizations to get the names of, the elements must be in [1,1000] :type realizations: list. or int. :param kind: decide if retrieve convergence or shear maps, must be one of [convergence,shear1,shear2] :type kind: str. :param big_fiducial_set: set to True if you want to get the names of the bigger fiducial simulation based on 45 N-body simulations :type big_fiducial_set: bool. """ assert type(realizations) == list or type(realizations) == int assert z in [1.0,1.5,2.0],"IGS1 doesn't have maps at redshift {0}".format(z) assert kind in ["convergence","shear1","shear2"],"You must select one of these: convergence,shear1,shear2" if kind=="convergence": prefix = "WL-conv" direct = "Maps" elif kind=="shear1": prefix = "Wl-shear1" direct = "shear" elif kind=="shear2": prefix = "Wl-shear2" direct = "shear" full_path = self._full_path if big_fiducial_set: assert self.Om0==0.26 and self.w0==-1.0 and self.sigma8==0.798 and self.ns==0.96 full_path += "_f" full_path = os.path.join(full_path,direct) if type(realizations) == int: return os.path.join(full_path,"{0}_".format(prefix)+self._series_name+"-"+self._box_string+"_"+self._cosmo_id_string+"_"+str(self._lens_plane_size)+"xy_{0:0004d}r_{1}_{2:0004d}".format(realizations,self._plane_id(z),int(z*100))) else: return [ os.path.join(full_path,"{0}_".format(prefix)+self._series_name+"-"+self._box_string+"_"+self._cosmo_id_string+"_"+str(self._lens_plane_size)+"xy_{0:0004d}r_{1}_{2:0004d}".format(r,self._plane_id(z),int(z*100))) for r in realizations ]
[docs] def load(self,realization,**kwargs): """ Reads in a specific realization of the convergence field (in FITS format) and returns a ConvergenceMap instance with the loaded map :param realization: the specific realization to read :type realization: int. :param kwargs: the keyword arguments are passed to the getNames method :returns: ConvergenceMap instance with the loaded map """ filename = self.getNames(realization,**kwargs) return ConvergenceMap.load(filename,format=self._data_loader)