Source code for

from __future__ import division,print_function,with_statement

	from .. import extern as ext
	_design = ext._design
except AttributeError:
	_design = None

from ..statistics.ensemble import Ensemble,Series

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table,Column,hstack
import astropy.units as u

	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
	from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
	matplotlib = True
except ImportError:
	matplotlib = False

#########Design class#################

[docs]class Design(Ensemble): """ A class that proves useful in designing simulation sets: the main functionality provided is the uniform sampling of an arbirtarily high dimensional parameter space. The points in parameter space are chosen to be as spread as possible by minimizing a cost function, but enforcing a latin hypercube structure, in which each parameter value appears once """ ############## ##Properties## ############## @property def parameters(self): return list(self.columns) ######### ###I/O### #########
[docs] @classmethod def from_specs(cls,npoints,parameters): """ :param npoints: number of points in the design :type npoints: int. :param parameters: list of tuples (name,label,min,max) :type parameters: list. """ assert npoints>2 #Unzip the parameter specs par,labels,pmin,pmax = zip(*parameters) ndim = len(par) #Create the trivial design points_raw = np.outer(np.arange(npoints),np.ones(ndim)) / (npoints - 1) points = np.zeros_like(points_raw) for n,p in enumerate(par): points[:,n] = pmin[n] + points_raw[:,n]*(pmax[n] - pmin[n]) #Instantiate the Design object in the trivial configuration trivial_design = cls(points,columns=par) #Update metadata trivial_design._labels = labels trivial_design._pmin = pmin trivial_design._pmax = pmax trivial_design._raw = points_raw trivial_design._metadata.extend(["_labels","_pmin","_pmax","_raw"]) #Return return trivial_design
[docs] def write(self,filename=None,max_rows=None,format="ascii.latex",column_format="{0:.3f}",**kwargs): """ Outputs the points that make up the design in a nicely formatted table :param filename: name of the file to which the table will be saved; if None the contents will be printed :type filename: str. or file descriptor :param max_rows: maximum number of rows in the table, if smaller than the number of points the different chunks are hstacked (useful if there are too many rows for display) :type max_rows: int. :param format: passed to the Table.write astropy method :type format: str. :param column_format: format specifier for the numerical values in the Table :type column_format: str. :param kwargs: the keyword arguments are passed to astropy.Table.write method :type kwargs: dict. :returns: the Table instance with the design parameters """ #Check that there is something to save assert hasattr(self,"points"),"There are no points in your design yet!" names = [ self.label[p] for p in self.parameters ] if (max_rows is None) or (max_rows>=len(self)): #Build the table design_table = Table(self.values,names=names) #Add the number column to the left design_table.add_column(Column(data=range(1,len(self)+1),name=r"$N$"),index=0) else: #Figure out the splitting num_chunks = len(self) // max_rows if len(self)%max_rows!=0: num_chunks+=1 #Construct the list of tables to hstack design_table = list() #Cycle through the chunks and create the sub-tables for n in range(num_chunks-1): columns = self.values[n*max_rows:(n+1)*max_rows] #Build the sub-table design_table.append(Table(columns,names=names)) #Add the number column to the left design_table[-1].add_column(Column(data=range(n*max_rows+1,(n+1)*max_rows+1),name=r"$N$"),index=0) #Create the last sub-table columns = self.values[(num_chunks-1)*max_rows:] design_table.append(Table(columns,names=names)) design_table[-1].add_column(Column(data=range((num_chunks-1)*max_rows+1,len(self)+1),name=r"$N$"),index=0) #hstack in a single table design_table = hstack(design_table) #Tune the format for colname in design_table.colnames: if not design_table.dtype[colname] design_table[colname].format = column_format #Write the table or return it if filename is not None: design_table.write(filename,format=format,**kwargs) return None else: return design_table
[docs] def visualize(self,fig=None,ax=None,parameters=None,fontsize=20,**kwargs): """ Visualize the design configuration using matplotlib :param parameters: the parameters to visualize, you can specify two or three of them, by their names. If None, all parameters are visualized :type parameters: list. """ if not matplotlib: raise ImportError("matplotlib is not installed, please install it!") if parameters is None: parameters = self.parameters #Check that the parameters exist for p in parameters: assert p in self.parameters,"Parameter {0} is not in your design!".format(p) #Check that the parameters to visualize are 2 or 3 assert len(parameters) in [2,3],"Can plot 2D or 3D projections only!" #Instantiate figure and ax objects if (fig is None) or (ax is None): if len(parameters)==2: self.fig, = plt.subplots() else: self.fig = plt.figure() = self.fig.add_subplot(111,projection="3d") else: self.fig, = fig,ax #Lay down the points on the figure points = tuple([ self.values[:,self.parameters.index(p)] for p in parameters ])*points,**kwargs) #Set the labels on the axes px,py = self.parameters.index(parameters[0]),self.parameters.index(parameters[1])[px],fontsize=fontsize)[py],fontsize=fontsize)[px],self._pmax[px])[py],self._pmax[py]) if len(parameters)==3: pz = self.parameters.index(parameters[2])[pz],fontsize=fontsize)[pz],self._pmax[pz]) #Return return
[docs] def savefig(self,filename): """ Save the visualization to an external file :param filename: name of the file on which to save the plot :type filename: str. """ self.fig.savefig(filename)
[docs] def set_title(self,title): """ Give a title to the visualized design :param title: title of the figure :type title: str. """
################################################################################################################################ ######################These methods make use of the external _design library to compute and optimize design costs############### ################################################################################################################################
[docs] def diagonalCost(self,Lambda): """ Computes the cost function of a diagonal configuration with a specified number of points and a metric parameter lambda; the cost function is calculated on the scaled parameter values, which are always between 0 and 1 :param Lambda: metric parameter of the cost function; if set to 1.0 the cost function corresponds is the Coulomb potential energy :type Lambda: float. :returns: the value of the cost function for a diagonal configuration """ if _design is None: raise ImportError("This method requires a working GSL installation!") assert len(self)>2,"You must lay down at least 3 points!" return _design.diagonalCost(len(self),Lambda)
[docs] def cost(self,p,Lambda): """ Computes the cost function of the current configuration given the metric parameters (p,Lambda) :param Lambda: metric parameter of the cost function; if set to 1.0 the cost function corresponds is the Coulomb potential energy :type Lambda: float. :param p: metric parameter of the cost function; if set to 2.0 the distances between points are the Euclidean ones :type p: float. :returns: the value of the cost function """ if _design is None: raise ImportError("This method requires a working GSL installation!") assert self.shape[1]>1,"The design must have at least 2 dimensions to lay down points!" assert len(self)>2,"You must lay down at least 3 points!" return _design.cost(self._raw,p,Lambda)**(1.0/Lambda)
[docs] def sample(self,p=2.0,Lambda=1.0,seed=0,maxIterations=10000): """ Evenly samples the parameter space by minimizing the cost function computed with the metric parameters (p,Lambda); this operation works inplace :param Lambda: metric parameter of the cost function; if set to 1.0 the cost function corresponds is the Coulomb potential energy :type Lambda: float. :param p: metric parameter of the cost function; if set to 2.0 the distances between points are the Euclidean ones :type p: float. :param seed: random seed with which the sampler random generator will be initialized :type seed: int. :param maxIterations: maximum number of iterations that the sampler can perform before stopping :type maxIterations: int. :returns: the relative change of the cost function the last time it varied during the sampling """ if _design is None: raise ImportError("This method requires a working GSL installation!") assert self.shape[1]>1,"The design must have at least 2 dimensions to lay down points!" assert len(self)>2,"You must lay down at least 3 points!" #Create array that holds the values of the cost function self.cost_values = np.ones(maxIterations) * -1.0 deltaPerc = _design.sample(self._raw,p,Lambda,maxIterations,seed,self.cost_values) #Scale points to correct units points = np.zeros_like(self._raw) for n,p in enumerate(self.parameters): points[:,n] = self._pmin[n] + self._raw[:,n]*(self._pmax[n] - self._pmin[n]) self[:] = points #Cut the cost_values if we stopped before the maxIterations limit cut = (self.cost_values==-1).argmin() if cut: self.cost_values = self.cost_values[:cut] return deltaPerc
#Sample points in an elliptical parameter space
[docs] @classmethod def sample_ellipse(cls,npoints,parameters,center,minor,major,angle,radial_power=0.5,**kwargs): """ Sample points in a two dimensional parameter space whose boundary has the shape of an ellipse :param npoints: number of points in the design :type npoints: int. :param parameters: name of the parameters, the list must have 2 elements :type parameters: list. :param center: center of the ellipse :type center: tuple. :param minor: length of the semi-minor axis :type minor: float. :param major: length of the semi-major axis :type major: float. :param angle: rotation angle of the major axis with respect to the horizontal (degrees counterclockwise) :type angle: float. :param radial_power: this parameter controls the density of points around the center (higher for higher density); 0.5 corresponds to uniform sampling :type radial_power: float. :param kwargs: the keyword arguments are passed to the sample() method :type kwarges: dict. :returns: :rtype: :py:class:`Design` """ #Two dimensional rotation matrix if hasattr(angle,"unit"): angle_rad = else: angle_rad = angle*np.pi/180. rotator = np.array([[np.cos(angle_rad),np.sin(angle_rad)],[-np.sin(angle_rad),np.cos(angle_rad)]]) #First sample the parameter space in (r,phi) coordinates polar_design = cls.from_specs(npoints,[("r","r",0.,1.),("phi","phi",0.,2*np.pi)]) polar_design.sample(**kwargs) #Transform into (x,y) coordinates by performing a rotation cartesian_design = polar_design.apply(lambda r:Series([major*(r["r"]**radial_power)*np.cos(r["phi"]),minor*(r["r"]**radial_power)*np.sin(r["phi"])],index=parameters),axis=1).dot(Ensemble(rotator,index=parameters,columns=parameters)) #Shift to the provided center for c in range(2): cartesian_design[cartesian_design.columns[c]] += center[c] #Return to user return cartesian_design