Source code for lenstools.simulations.cfhtemu1

from __future__ import division,print_function,with_statement

import os,re
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.units import deg

from .igs1 import IGS1

#######Loader function for CFHT#######

def cfht_load(self,filename):

	kappa_file =
	angle = 3.4641016151377544 * deg
	kappa = kappa_file[0].data.astype(np.float)

	return angle,kappa

#######EMU1 simulations###############

[docs]class CFHTemu1(IGS1): """ Class handler of the weak lensing CFHTemu1 simulations set, inherits from IGS1; this simulation suite contains 91 different cosmological models based on 1 N-body simulation each. Each model has 1000 realizations for each of the 13 CFHT subfields """ #Don't touch these! _class_name = "CFHTemu1" _series_name = "emu1" _num_particles = 512 _box_size_mpc = 240 _data_loader = cfht_load
[docs] @classmethod def getModels(cls,root_path="/default"): """ This class method uses a dictionary file to read in all the cosmological model parameters and instantiate the corresponding CFHTemu1 objects for each one of them :param root_path: path of your CFHT emu1 simulations copy :type root_path: str. :returns: list of CFHTemu1 instances """ #Build the complete filename dict_filename = resource_filename("lenstools",os.path.join("data","CFHTemu1.txt")) #Read in the dictionary file with open(dict_filename,"r") as dictfile: cosmo_id_strings = dictfile.readlines() #Read each cosmo identifier, squeeze out the cosmological parameters for each of them and instantiate the corresponding CFHTemu1 object model_list = list() for cosmo_id in cosmo_id_strings: #Squeeze out the cosmological parameters with a regular expression match m = re.match(r"Om([0-9.]{5})_Ol([0-9.]{5})_w([0-9\-.]+)_ns([0-9.]{5})_si([0-9.]{5})",cosmo_id) Om0,Ol0,w0,ns,sigma8 = m.groups() #Instantiate the model object model_list.append(cls(root_path=root_path,name=cosmo_id.rstrip("\n"),H0=70.0,Om0=float(Om0),w0=float(w0),sigma8=float(sigma8),ns=float(ns))) #Return the model list return model_list
[docs] def getNames(self,realizations,subfield=1,smoothing=0.5): """ Get the full name of the CFHT emu1 maps, once a subfield and smoothing scale are specified :param subfield: the specific CFHT subfield you want to retrieve, must be between 1 and 13 :type subfield: int. :param smoothing: smoothing scale of the maps you wish to retrieve, in arcmin :type smoothing: float. :param realizations: list of realizations to get the names of, the elements must be in [1,1000] :type realizations: list. or int. """ assert 1 <= subfield <= 13 assert type(realizations) == list or type(realizations) == int #Build the file name root_path = self.root_path name = os.path.join(root_path,self._series_name + "-") name += self._box_string + "_" name += self._cosmo_id_string name = os.path.join(name,"subfield{0}".format(subfield)) name = os.path.join(name,"sigma{0:02d}".format(int(smoothing*10))) name = os.path.join(name,"SIM_KS_sigma{0:02d}_subfield{1}_{2}-{3}_{4}_".format(int(smoothing*10),subfield,self._series_name,self._box_string,self._cosmo_id_string)) #return the results if type(realizations) == int: return name + "{0:0004d}".format(realizations) else: return [name + "{0:0004d}".format(r) for r in realizations]
######################################### ########cfhtcov simulations############## #########################################
[docs]class CFHTcov(CFHTemu1): """ Class handler of the weak lensing CFHTcov simulations set, inherits from CFHTemu1; this simulation suite contains 1000 realizations for each of the 13 CFHT subfields, based on 50 independent N-body simulations of a fiducial LambdaCDM universe. Useful to measure accurately descriptor covariance matrices """ #Don't touch these! _class_name = "CFHTcov" _series_name = "cfhtcov" _num_particles = 512 _box_size_mpc = 240
[docs] @classmethod def getModels(cls,root_path="/default"): """ On call, this class method returns a CFHTcov instance initialized with the cosmological parameters of the only available model in the suite :param root_path: path of your CFHTcov simulations copy :type root_path: str. :returns: CFHTcov instance initialized with the fiducial cosmological parameters """ return cls(root_path=root_path,name="Om{0:.3f}_Ol{1:.3f}_w{2:.3f}_ns{3:.3f}_si{4:.3f}".format(0.26,0.74,-1.0,0.960,0.800),H0=70.0,Om0=0.26,w0=-1.0,sigma8=0.800,ns=0.960)
[docs] def getNames(self,realizations,subfield=1,smoothing=0.5): """ Get the full name of the CFHTcov maps, once a subfield and smoothing scale are specified :param subfield: the specific CFHT subfield you want to retrieve, must be between 1 and 13 :type subfield: int. :param smoothing: smoothing scale of the maps you wish to retrieve, in arcmin :type smoothing: float. :param realizations: list of realizations to get the names of, the elements must be in [1,1000] :type realizations: list. or int. """ assert 1 <= subfield <= 13 assert type(realizations) == list or type(realizations) == int #Build the file name root_path = self.root_path name = os.path.join(root_path,self._series_name + "-") name += self._box_string + "_" name += self._cosmo_id_string name = os.path.join(name,"subfield{0}".format(subfield)) name = os.path.join(name,"sigma{0:02d}".format(int(smoothing*10))) name = os.path.join(name,"SIM_KS_sigma{0:02d}_subfield{1}_WL-only_{2}-{3}_{4}_{5}xy_".format(int(smoothing*10),subfield,self._series_name,self._box_string,self._cosmo_id_string,self._lens_plane_size)) #return the results if type(realizations) == int: return name + "{0:0004d}".format(realizations) else: return [name + "{0:0004d}".format(r) for r in realizations]