Source code for lenstools.catalog.shear


.. module:: catalog
	:platform: Unix
	:synopsis: This module handles galaxy catalogs and their properties

.. moduleauthor:: Andrea Petri <>


import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
import astropy.table as tbl
import astropy.units as u

	import fitsio
except ImportError:
	fitsio = None

	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
	from matplotlib import cm
	matplotlib = True
except ImportError:
	matplotlib = False

from .. import extern as ext
from ..image.shear import ShearMap
from ..utils.algorithms import step

################Catalog class#############################

[docs]class Catalog(tbl.Table): """ Class handler of a galaxy catalogue, inherits all the functionality from the astropy.table.Table """ def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): #Call parent constructor super(Catalog,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) #Set spatial information self.setSpatialInfo() self.setRedshiftInfo() ######################################################################################## @classmethod def read(cls,filename,*args,**kwargs): #Use fitsio to read in table if the format is FITS if (filename.endswith(".fit") or filename.endswith(".fits")): if fitsio is not None: with fitsio.FITS(filename,"r") as hdulist: data = cls(hdulist[1].read()) header = hdulist[1].read_header() try: data.meta["NGAL"] = header["NGAL"] except ValueError: pass try: data.meta["AUNIT"] = header["AUNIT"].replace(" ","") except ValueError: pass return data return super(Catalog,cls).read(filename,*args,**kwargs) ########################################################################################
[docs] def setSpatialInfo(self,field_x="x",field_y="y",unit=u.deg): """ Sets the spatial information in the catalog :param field_x: name of the column that contains the x coordinates of the objects :type field_x: str. :param field_y: name of the column that contains the y coordinates of the objects :type field_y: str. :param unit: measure unit of the spatial coordinates :type unit: astropy.unit """ self._field_x = field_x self._field_y = field_y self._position_unit = unit
def setRedshiftInfo(self,field_z="z"): pass ########################################################################################
[docs] def pixelize(self,map_size,npixel=256,field_quantity=None,origin=np.zeros(2)*u.deg,smooth=None,accumulate="average",callback=None,**kwargs): """ Constructs a two dimensional square pixelized map version of one of the scalar properties in the catalog by assigning its objects on a grid :param map_size: spatial size of the map :type map_size: quantity :param npixel: number of pixels on a side :type npixel: int. :param field_quantity: name of the catalog quantity to map; if None, 1 is assumed :type field_quantity: str. :param origin: two dimensional coordinates of the origin of the map :type origin: array with units :param smooth: if not None, the map is smoothed with a gaussian filter of scale smooth :type smooth: quantity :param accumulate: if "sum" field galaxies that fall in the same pixel have their field_quantity summed, if "average" the sum is divided by the number of galaxies that fall in the pixel :type accumulate: str. :param callback: user defined function that gets called on field_quantity :type callback: callable or None :param kwargs: the keyword arguments are passed to callback :type kwargs: dict. :returns: two dimensional scalar array with the pixelized field (pixels with no objects are treated as NaN) :rtype: array """ #Safety check assert map_size.unit.physical_type==self._position_unit.physical_type assert len(origin)==2 assert origin.unit.physical_type==self._position_unit.physical_type assert self._field_x in self.columns,"There is no {0} field in the catalog!".format(self._field_x) assert self._field_y in self.columns,"There is no {0} field in the catalog!".format(self._field_y) #Horizontal and vertical positions x = self.columns[self._field_x] - origin[0].to(self._position_unit).value y = self.columns[self._field_y] - origin[1].to(self._position_unit).value if field_quantity is not None: if type(field_quantity)==str: assert field_quantity in self.columns,"There is no {0} field in the catalog!".format(field_quantity) scalar = self.columns[field_quantity].astype(np.float) elif type(field_quantity)==np.ndarray: assert len(field_quantity)==len(self),"You should provide a scalar property for each record!!" scalar = field_quantity elif type(field_quantity) in [int,float]: scalar = np.empty(len(self),dtype=np.float) scalar.fill(field_quantity) else: raise TypeError("field_quantity format not recognized!") else: scalar = np.ones(len(self)) #Make sure x,y,scalar have all the same length assert len(x)==len(y) and len(y)==len(scalar) #If user decides, call a function on scalar if callback is not None: scalar = callback(scalar,**kwargs) #Perform the pixelization scalar_map = np.zeros((npixel,npixel)) scalar_map.fill(np.nan) ext._pixelize.grid2d(x,y,scalar,,scalar_map) #If pixel averaging is requested we need to compute the pixel hit count too if accumulate=="average": #Compute hits hits = np.zeros((npixel,npixel)) hits.fill(np.nan) ext._pixelize.grid2d(x,y,np.ones(len(self)),,hits) #Average the scalar map scalar_map /= hits elif accumulate=="sum": pass else: raise NotImplementedError("pixel collection method {0} not implemented!") #Maybe smooth if smooth is not None: #Smoothing scale in pixel assert smooth.unit.physical_type==self._position_unit.physical_type smooth_in_pixel = (smooth * npixel / map_size).decompose().value #Replace NaN with zeros scalar_map[np.isnan(scalar_map)] = 0.0 #Smooth scalar_map = gaussian_filter(scalar_map,sigma=smooth_in_pixel) #Return return scalar_map.T
######################################################################################## def rebin(self,intervals,field="z"): """ Re-bin the catalog according to one of the columns :param intervals: list of interval tuples :type intervals: list. :param field: column along which to re-bin :type field: str. :returns: list of re-binned catalogs :rtype: :py:class:`ShearCatalog` """ catalog_columns = self.colnames #Group by column interval self["group"] = step(self[field],intervals,np.array(range(1,len(intervals)+1))) catalog_rebinned = list() for n,i in enumerate(intervals): catalog_rebinned.append(self[self["group"]==n+1][catalog_columns]) #Return re-binned catalog to user return catalog_rebinned ########################################################################################
[docs] def visualize(self,map_size,npixel,field_quantity=None,origin=np.zeros(2)*u.deg,smooth=None,fig=None,ax=None,colorbar=False,cmap="jet",**kwargs): """ Visualize a two dimensional square pixelized map version of one of the scalar properties in the catalog by assigning its objects on a grid (the pixelization is performed using the pixelize routine) :param map_size: spatial size of the map :type map_size: quantity :param npixel: number of pixels on a side :type npixel: int. :param field_quantity: name of the catalog quantity to map; if None, 1 is assumed :type field_quantity: str. :param origin: two dimensional coordinates of the origin of the map :type origin: array with units :param smooth: if not None, the map is smoothed with a gaussian filter of scale smooth :type smooth: quantity :param kwargs: the additional keyword arguments are passed to pixelize :type kwargs: dict. :returns: two dimensional scalar array with the pixelized field (pixels with no objects are treated as NaN) :rtype: array """ if not matplotlib: raise ImportError("matplotlib is not installed, cannot visualize!") #Create figure if (fig is None) or (ax is None): self.fig, = plt.subplots() else: self.fig = fig = ax #Compute the pixelization scalar_map = self.pixelize(map_size,npixel,field_quantity,origin,smooth,**kwargs) #Plot ax0 =,origin="lower",interpolation="nearest",extent=[origin[0].to(self._position_unit).value,(origin[0]+map_size).to(self._position_unit).value,origin[1].to(self._position_unit).value,(origin[1]+map_size).to(self._position_unit).value],cmap=getattr(cm,cmap))"$x$({0})".format(self._position_unit.to_string()),fontsize=18)"$y$({0})".format(self._position_unit.to_string()),fontsize=18) #Colorbar if colorbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(ax0, if (field_quantity is not None) and (type(field_quantity)==str): cbar.set_label(field_quantity,size=18) else: cbar.set_label(r"$n$",size=18)
######################################################################################## def savefig(self,filename): """ Saves the catalog visualization to an external file :param filename: name of the file on which to save the map :type filename: str. """ self.fig.savefig(filename) ######################################################################################## def write(self,filename,**kwargs): self.meta["NGAL"] = len(self) self.meta["AUNIT"] = self._position_unit.to_string() super(Catalog,self).write(filename,**kwargs)
########################################################## ################ShearCatalog class######################## ##########################################################
[docs]class ShearCatalog(Catalog): """ Class handler of a galaxy shear catalog, inherits all the functionality from the Catalog class """ def setRedshiftInfo(self,field_z="z"): self._field_z = field_z ######################################################################################## #Shape noise generation
[docs] def shapeNoise(self,seed=None): """ Generate a catalog with randomly drawn shape noise for each galaxy :param seed: random seed for noise generation :type seed: int. :returns: shape noise catalog :rtype: :py:class:`ShearCatalog` """ #Check that redshift is available if self._field_z not in self.columns: raise AttributeError("No redshift field '{0}' present in catalog!".format(self._field_z)) #Generate noise if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) g1 = np.random.normal(size=len(self))*(0.15 + 0.035*self.columns[self._field_z]) g2 = np.random.normal(size=len(self))*(0.15 + 0.035*self.columns[self._field_z]) #Return to user return self.__class__((g1,g2),names=("shear1","shear2"))
[docs] def addSourceEllipticity(self,es,es_colnames=("e1","e2"),rs_correction=True,inplace=False): """ Produce a mock shear catalog that includes the intrinsic source ellipticity :param es: array of intrinsic ellipticities, must be a two column catalog with intrinsic ellipticities :type es: table :param es_colnames: column names with intrinsic ellipticities :type es_colnames: tuple. :param rs_correction: include denominator (1+g*es) in the shear correction :type rs_correction: bool. :param inplace: perform the operation in place :type inplace: bool. :returns: shear estimate with the added intrinsic ellipticity :rtype: :py:class:`~lenstools.catalog.shear.ShearCatalog` """ #Safety check assert len(self)==len(es) #Compute complex source ellipticity, shear es_c = np.array(es[es_colnames[0]]+es[es_colnames[1]]*1j) g = np.array(self["shear1"] + self["shear2"]*1j) #Shear the intrinsic ellipticity e = es_c + g if rs_correction: e /= (1 + g.conjugate()*es_c) #Return if inplace: self["shear1"] = e.real self["shear2"] = e.imag else: return self.__class__((e.real,e.imag),names=("shear1","shear2"))
[docs] def toMap(self,map_size,npixel,smooth,**kwargs): """ Convert a shear catalog into a shear map :param map_size: spatial size of the map :type map_size: quantity :param npixel: number of pixels on a side :type npixel: int. :param smooth: if not None, the map is smoothed with a gaussian filter of scale smooth :type smooth: quantity :param kwargs: additonal keyword arguments are passed to pixelize :type kwargs: dict. :returns: shear map :rtype: ShearMap """ #Shear components s1 = self.pixelize(map_size,npixel,field_quantity="shear1",smooth=smooth,accumulate="average",**kwargs) s2 = self.pixelize(map_size,npixel,field_quantity="shear2",smooth=smooth,accumulate="average",**kwargs) #Convert into map return ShearMap(np.array([s1,s2]),map_size)
######################################################################################## @classmethod def readall(cls,shear_files,position_files,**kwargs): """ Read in a sequence of files and merge them in a complete shear catalog :param shear_files: list of files with the shear information :type shear_files: list. :param position_files: list of files with the position and redshift information (one for each of the shear files) :type position_files: list. :param kwargs: keyword arguments are passed to :type kwargs: dict. :rtype: :py:class:`ShearCatalog` """ #Safety check if not (len(shear_files)==len(position_files)): raise ValueError("There must be a position file for each shear file and vice-versa!") #Cycle over each position file and hstack them with the shear files full_catalog = list() for n,pfile in enumerate(position_files): full_catalog.append(tbl.hstack((,**kwargs),[n],**kwargs)))) #Return the full catalog return tbl.vstack(full_catalog) ######################################################################################## def write(self,filename,**kwargs): self.meta["NGAL"] = len(self) super(Catalog,self).write(filename,**kwargs)