Source code for lenstools.image.noise


.. module:: noise
	:platform: Unix
	:synopsis: This module implements various tools to generate simulated noise maps

.. moduleauthor:: Andrea Petri <>


from __future__ import division

from .convergence import ConvergenceMap

import numpy as np

#FFT engine
from ..utils.fft import NUMPYFFTPack
fftengine = NUMPYFFTPack()

from scipy import interpolate

from astropy.units import deg,arcmin

########GaussianNoiseGenerator class####################

[docs]class GaussianNoiseGenerator(object): """ A class that handles generation of Gaussian simulated noise maps """ def __init__(self,shape,side_angle,label): #Sanity check assert side_angle.unit.physical_type=="angle" self.shape = shape self.side_angle = side_angle self.label = label @classmethod
[docs] def forMap(cls,conv_map): """ This class method generates a Gaussian noise generator intended to be used on a convergence map: i.e. the outputs of its methods can be added to the convergence map in question to simulate the presence of noise :param conv_map: The blueprint of the convergence map you want to generate the noise for :type conv_map: ConvergenceMap instance :raises: AssertionError if conv_map is not a ConvergenceMap instance """ assert isinstance(conv_map,ConvergenceMap) return cls(,conv_map.side_angle,label="convergence")
[docs] def getShapeNoise(self,z=1.0,ngal=15.0*arcmin**-2,seed=0): """ This method generates a white, gaussian shape noise map for the given redshift of the map :param z: single redshift of the backround sources on the map :type z: float. :param ngal: assumed angular number density of galaxies (must have units of angle^-2) :type ngal: float. :param seed: seed of the random generator :type seed: int. :returns: ConvergenceMap instance of the same exact shape as the one used as blueprint """ #Sanity check assert (ngal.unit**-0.5).physical_type=="angle" if self.label == "convergence": #Compute shape noise amplitude pixel_angular_side = self.side_angle / self.shape[0] sigma = ((0.15 + 0.035*z) / (pixel_angular_side * np.sqrt(ngal))).decompose().value #Generate shape noise np.random.seed(seed) noise_map = np.random.normal(loc=0.0,scale=sigma,size=self.shape) #Build the ConvergenceMap object return ConvergenceMap(noise_map,self.side_angle) else: raise ValueError("Only convergence implemented so far!!!")
def _fourierMap(self,power_func,**kwargs): #Assert the shape of the blueprint, to tune the right size for the fourier transform lpix = 360.0/ lx = fftengine.rfftfreq(self.shape[0]) * self.shape[0] * lpix ly = fftengine.fftfreq(self.shape[0]) * self.shape[0] * lpix #Compute the multipole moment of each FFT pixel l = np.sqrt(lx[np.newaxis,:]**2 + ly[:,np.newaxis]**2) #Compute the power spectrum at each l and check that it is positive if isinstance(power_func,np.ndarray): #Check for correct shape assert power_func.shape[0] == 2,"If you want an interpolated power spectrum you should pass a (l,Pl) array!" #Perform the interpolation ell,Pell = power_func power_interp = interpolate.interp1d(ell,Pell,**kwargs) Pl = power_interp(l) else: Pl = power_func(l,**kwargs) assert Pl[Pl>=0.0].size == Pl.size #Generate real and imaginary parts real_part = np.sqrt(0.5*Pl) * np.random.normal(loc=0.0,scale=1.0,size=l.shape) * lpix/(2.0*np.pi) imaginary_part = np.sqrt(0.5*Pl) * np.random.normal(loc=0.0,scale=1.0,size=l.shape) * lpix/(2.0*np.pi) #Get map in real space and return ft_map = (real_part + imaginary_part*1.0j) * l.shape[0]**2 ft_map[0,0] = 0.0 return ft_map
[docs] def fromConvPower(self,power_func,seed=0,**kwargs): """ This method uses a supplied power spectrum to generate correlated noise maps in real space via FFTs :param power_func: function that given a numpy array of l's returns a numpy array with the according Pl's (this is the input power spectrum); alternatively you can pass an array (l,Pl) and the power spectrum will be calculated with scipy's interpolation routines :type power_func: function with the above specifications, or numpy array (l,Pl) of shape (2,n) :param seed: seed of the random generator :type seed: int. :param kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to power_func, or to the interpolate.interp1d routine :returns: ConvergenceMap instance of the same exact shape as the one used as blueprint """ assert self.label == "convergence" #Initialize random number generator np.random.seed(seed) #Generate a random Fourier realization and invert it ft_map = self._fourierMap(power_func,**kwargs) noise_map = fftengine.irfft2(ft_map) return ConvergenceMap(noise_map,self.side_angle)