Source code for lenstools.statistics.database


.. module:: database
	:platform: Unix
	:synopsis: This module is a convenient wrapper of utilities for I/O between SQL databases and Ensembles

.. moduleauthor:: Andrea Petri <>


from __future__ import division,print_function,with_statement
from .ensemble import Ensemble
from ..simulations.logs import logdriver
from ..utils.decorators import Parallelize

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

	import sqlalchemy
except ImportError:

#####Database class######

[docs]class Database(object): _constructor_ensemble = Ensemble #Create a connection to a database def __init__(self,name,connection_string="sqlite:///{0}"): if sqlalchemy is None: raise ImportError("sqlalchemy is not installed!!") self.connection = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connection_string.format(name)) #Set constructor for the query results def set_constructor(self,constructor): assert issubclass(constructor,Ensemble),"The constructor should be a sub-class of Ensemble" self._constructor_ensemble = constructor #For context manager def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self,type,value,tb): self.connection.dispose() #Insert records in the database
[docs] def insert(self,df,table_name="data"): """ :param df: records to insert in the database, in Ensemble (or pandas DataFrame) format :type df: :py:class:`Ensemble` """ assert isinstance(df,pd.DataFrame) df.to_sql(table_name,self.connection,if_exists="append",index=False)
#Query the database
[docs] def query(self,sql): """ :param sql: sql query string :type sql: str. :returns: :py:class:`Ensemble` """ return self._constructor_ensemble.read_sql_query(sql,self.connection)
#Query a list of databases and combine the results
[docs] @classmethod def query_all(cls,db_names,sql): """ Perform the same SQL query on a list of databases and combine the results :param db_names: list of names of the databases to query :type db_names: list. :param sql: sql query string :type sql: str. :returns: :py:class:`Ensemble` """ all_results = list() #Query each database for db_name in db_names: with cls(db_name) as db: all_results.append(db.query(sql)) #Combine and return return cls._constructor_ensemble.concat(all_results,axis=0,ignore_index=True)
#Visualize information about a table in the database def info(self,table_name="data"): assert table_name in self.tables,"Table {0} does not exist!".format(table_name) return self.query("PRAGMA table_info({0})".format(table_name)) #List tables in the database @property def tables(self): return self.connection.table_names() #Read table in a database def read_table(self,table_name): if hasattr(table_name,"format"): assert table_name in self.tables,"Table {0} does not exist!".format(table_name) return self._constructor_ensemble.read_sql_table(table_name,self.connection) elif type(table_name)==int: return self._constructor_ensemble.read_sql_table(self.tables[table_name],self.connection) else: raise TypeError("table_name type not recognized") #Read table in a list of databases and combine the results
[docs] @classmethod def read_table_all(cls,db_names,table_name): """ Read the same SQL table from a list of databases and combine the results :param db_names: list of names of the databases to query :type db_names: list. :param table: table to read :type table: str. :returns: :py:class:`Ensemble` """ all_results = list() #Query each database for db_name in db_names: with cls(db_name) as db: all_results.append(db.read_table(table_name)) #Combine and return return cls._constructor_ensemble.concat(all_results,axis=0,ignore_index=True)
################################ #####ScoreDatabase class######## ################################
[docs]class ScoreDatabase(Database): def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): super(ScoreDatabase,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) self._parameters = ["Om","w","sigma8"] def set_parameters(self,parameters): self._parameters = parameters @property def parameters(self): return self._parameters
[docs] def pull_features(self,feature_list,table_name="scores",score_type="likelihood"): """ Pull out the scores for a subset of features :param feature_list: feature list to pull out from the database :type feature_list: list. :param score_type: name of the column that contains the particular score you are considering :type score_type: str. """ if not len(feature_list): raise ValueError("The feature_list is empty!") quoted = ",".join(["'{0}'".format(f) for f in feature_list]) #Query the score database query = "SELECT {0},feature_type,{1} FROM '{2}' WHERE feature_type IN ({3})".format(",".join(self.parameters),score_type,table_name,quoted)"Executing SQL query: {0}".format(query)) scores = self.query(query) #Pivot the database so that each feature has its own column,rename the columns l,scores = scores.suppress_indices(by=self.parameters,suppress=["feature_type"],columns=[score_type]) rename = lambda s:l.query('suppress_group_id=={0}'.format(s[-1]))['feature_type'].iloc[0] if type(s)==tuple else s scores.columns = map(rename,scores.columns) return scores
################################################################### #######Compute scores of a grid of parameter combinations########## ################################################################### def chi2score(emulator,parameters,data,data_covariance,nchunks,pool): #Score the data on each of the parameter combinations provided scores = emulator.score(parameters,data,features_covariance=data_covariance,split_chunks=nchunks,pool=pool) #Pop the parameter columns, compute the likelihoods out of the chi2 for p in parameters.columns: scores.pop(p) return scores,scores.apply(lambda c:np.exp(-0.5*c),axis=0) @Parallelize.masterworker def chi2database(db_name,parameters,specs,table_name="scores",pool=None,nchunks=None): """ Populate an SQL database with the scores of different parameter sets with respect to the data; supports multiple features :param db_name: name of the database to populate :type db_name: str. :param parameters: parameter combinations to score :type parameters: :py:class:`Ensemble` :param specs: dictionary that should contain the emulator,data, and covariance matrix of each feature to consider; each value in this dictionary must be a dictionary with keys 'emulator', 'data' and 'data covariance' :type specs: dict. :param table_name: table name to populate in the database :type table_name: str. :param pool: MPIPool to spread the calculations over (pass None for automatic pool handling) :type pool: MPIPool :param nchunks: number of chunks to split the parameter score calculations in (one chunk per processor ideally) :type nchunks: int. """ #Each processor should have the same exact workload if nchunks is not None: assert not len(parameters)%nchunks #Database context manager"Populating table '{0}' of score database {1}...".format(table_name,db_name)) with ScoreDatabase(db_name) as db: #Repeat the scoring for each key in the specs dictionary for feature_type in specs.keys(): #Log"Processing feature_type: {0} ({1} feature dimensions, {2} parameter combinations)...".format(feature_type,len(specs[feature_type]["data"]),len(parameters))) #Score chi2,likelihood = chi2score(emulator=specs[feature_type]["emulator"],parameters=parameters,data=specs[feature_type]["data"],data_covariance=specs[feature_type]["data_covariance"],nchunks=nchunks,pool=pool) assert (chi2.columns==[feature_type]).all() #Add to the database db_chunk = parameters.copy() db_chunk["feature_type"] = feature_type db_chunk["chi2"] = chi2 db_chunk["likelihood"] = likelihood db.insert(db_chunk,table_name)