Source code for lenstools.simulations.raytracing

from ..image.convergence import Spin0,ConvergenceMap,OmegaMap
from ..image.shear import Spin1,Spin2,ShearMap

import sys
import time
import gc

from .logs import logplanes,logray,logstderr,peakMemory

from operator import mul
from functools import reduce

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
	matplotlib = plt
except ImportError:
	matplotlib = None

#FFT engine
from ..utils.fft import NUMPYFFTPack
fftengine = NUMPYFFTPack()

from astropy.units import km,s,Mpc,rad,deg,dimensionless_unscaled,quantity

from .io import readFITSHeader,readFITS,saveFITS
from .camb import TransferFunction

#Enable garbage collection if not active already
if not gc.isenabled():

#################Plane class###############################

[docs]class Plane(Spin0): def __init__(self,data,angle,redshift=2.0,cosmology=None,comoving_distance=None,unit=rad**2,num_particles=None,masked=False,filename=None): #Sanity check assert (cosmology is not None) or (comoving_distance is not None),"cosmology and comoving_distance cannot be both None!!" super(Plane,self).__init__(data,angle,masked=masked,redshift=redshift,cosmology=cosmology,comoving_distance=comoving_distance,unit=unit,num_particles=num_particles,filename=filename) if num_particles is None: self.num_particles = -1 #If a comoving distance is provided, use that; otherwise it needs to be computed from the astropy cosmology instance if comoving_distance is not None: assert comoving_distance.unit.physical_type=="length" self.comoving_distance = comoving_distance else: self.comoving_distance = cosmology.comoving_distance(redshift) if data.dtype in [np.float,np.float32]: = "real" elif data.dtype==np.complex: = "fourier" else: raise TypeError("data type not supported!") @staticmethod def readHeader(filename,format=None): """ Read the header of the file on which the plane is contained :param filename: name of the file :type filename: str. :param format: format of the file, only FITS implemented so far; if None, it's detected automatically from the filename :type format: str. :returns: header object """ if format is None: extension = filename.split(".")[-1] if extension in ["fit","fits"]: format="fits" else: raise IOError("File format not recognized from extension '{0}', please specify it manually".format(extension)) if format=="fits": return readFITSHeader(filename) else: raise ValueError("Format {0} not implemented yet!!".format(format)) ########################################################################################################################################################## def angular(self,length_scale): """ Given a comoving spatial length scale, this method computes the corresponding angular length scale on the plane in both physical and pixel units :param length_scale: comoving length scale to be converted into angular units :type length_scale: float with units :returns: tuple(length_scale in degrees,length_scale in pixels) """ #Length scale must have units of length assert length_scale.unit.physical_type=="length" assert self.side_angle.unit.physical_type=="angle" angle_scale = (length_scale/self.comoving_distance).decompose().value * rad pixel_scale = (angle_scale / self.resolution).decompose().value #return return,pixel_scale
[docs] def save(self,filename,format=None,double_precision=False): """ Saves the Plane to an external file, of which the format can be specified (only fits implemented so far) :param filename: name of the file on which to save the plane :type filename: str. :param format: format of the file, only FITS implemented so far; if None, it's detected automatically from the filename :type format: str. :param double_precision: if True saves the Plane in double precision :type double_precision: bool. """ if format is None: extension = filename.split(".")[-1] if extension in ["fit","fits"]: format="fits" else: raise IOError("File format not recognized from extension '{0}', please specify it manually".format(extension)) if format=="fits": saveFITS(self,filename=filename,double_precision=double_precision) else: raise ValueError("Format {0} not implemented yet!!".format(format))
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls,filename,format=None,init_cosmology=True): """ Loads the Plane from an external file, of which the format can be specified (only fits implemented so far) :param filename: name of the file from which to load the plane :type filename: str. :param format: format of the file, only FITS implemented so far; if None, it's detected automatically from the filename :type format: str. :param init_cosmology: if True, instantiates the cosmology attribute of the PotentialPlane :type init_cosmology: bool. :returns: PotentialPlane instance that wraps the data contained in the file """ if format is None: extension = filename.split(".")[-1] if extension in ["fit","fits"]: format="fits" else: raise IOError("File format not recognized from extension '{0}', please specify it manually".format(extension)) if format=="fits": return readFITS(cls,filename=filename,init_cosmology=init_cosmology) else: raise ValueError("Format {0} not implemented yet!!".format(format))
[docs] def randomRoll(self,seed=None,lmesh=None): """ Randomly shifts the plane along its axes, enforcing periodic boundary conditions :param seed: random seed with which to initialize the generator :type seed: int. :param lmesh: the FFT frequency meshgrid (lx,ly) necessary for the calculations in fourier space; if None, a new one is computed from scratch (must have the appropriate dimensions) :type lmesh: array """ now = time.time() last_timestamp = now if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) if"real": #Roll in real space = np.roll(np.roll(,np.random.randint(0,[0]),axis=0),np.random.randint(0,[1]),axis=1) elif"fourier": #Rolling in Fourier space is just multiplying by phases if lmesh is None: l = np.array(np.meshgrid(fftengine.rfftfreq([0]),fftengine.fftfreq([0]))) else: l = lmesh #Timestamp now = time.time() logplanes.debug("l meshgrid initialized in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now random_shift = np.random.randint(0,[0],size=2) *= np.exp(2.0j*np.pi*np.tensordot(random_shift,l,axes=(0,0))) #Timestamp now = time.time() logplanes.debug("Phase multiplication completed in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now else: raise ValueError("space must be either real or fourier!")
[docs] def toReal(self): """ Switches to real space """ assert"fourier","We are already in real space!!" = fftengine.irfft2( = "real"
[docs] def toFourier(self): """ Switches to Fourier space """ assert"real","We are already in fourier space!!" = fftengine.rfft2("fourier"
def getValues(self,x,y): """ Extract the map values at the requested (x,y) positions; this is implemented using the numpy fast indexing routines, so the formats of x and y must follow the numpy advanced indexing rules. Periodic boundary conditions are enforced :param x: x coordinates at which to extract the map values (if unitless these are interpreted as radians) :type x: numpy array or quantity :param y: y coordinates at which to extract the map values (if unitless these are interpreted as radians) :type y: numpy array or quantity :returns: numpy array with the map values at the specified positions, with the same shape as x and y :raises: IndexError if the formats of x and y are not the proper ones """ assert isinstance(x,np.ndarray) and isinstance(y,np.ndarray) #x coordinates if type(x)==quantity.Quantity: assert x.unit.physical_type=="angle" #Check if the resolution units are length units if self.resolution.unit.physical_type=="length": x =*self.comoving_distance j = np.mod(((x / self.resolution).decompose().value).astype(np.int32),[1]) else: j = np.mod((x /,[1]) #y coordinates if type(y)==quantity.Quantity: assert y.unit.physical_type=="angle" #Check if the resolution units are length units if self.resolution.unit.physical_type=="length": y =*self.comoving_distance i = np.mod(((y / self.resolution).decompose().value).astype(np.int32),[0]) else: i = np.mod((y /,[0]) #Return the map values at the specified coordinates return[i,j] def _grad(self,x=None,y=None,lmesh=None): now = time.time() last_timestamp = now if"real": #Scale x and y to lengths in case this is a physical plane if self.side_angle.unit.physical_type=="length" and (x is not None) and (y is not None): x = * self.comoving_distance y = * self.comoving_distance #Compute the gradient of the potential map deflection_x,deflection_y = self.gradient(x,y) deflection = np.array([deflection_x,deflection_y]) elif"fourier": #It doesn't make sense to select (x,y) when we proceed with FFTs assert (x is None) and (y is None),"It doesn't make sense to select (x,y) when we proceed with FFTs!" #Compute deflections in fourier space if lmesh is None: l = np.array(np.meshgrid(fftengine.rfftfreq([0]),fftengine.fftfreq([0]))) else: l = lmesh #Timestamp now = time.time() logplanes.debug("l meshgrid initialized in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now ft_deflection = 2.0*np.pi*1.0j * l * #Timestamp now = time.time() logplanes.debug("Phase multiplications completed in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now #Go back in real space deflection = fftengine.irfft2(ft_deflection) #Timestamp now = time.time() logplanes.debug("Inverse FFTs completed in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now else: raise ValueError("space must be either real or fourier!") #Scale to units deflection = deflection * self.unit deflection /= self.resolution if self.side_angle.unit.physical_type=="length": deflection *= self.comoving_distance deflection /= rad return deflection #############################################################################################################################################################################
[docs] def scaleWithTransfer(self,z,tfr,with_scale_factor=False,kmesh=None,scaling_method="uniform"): """ Scale the pixel values to a different redshift than the one of the plane by applying a suitable transfer function. This operation works in place :param z: new redshift to evaluate the plane at :type z: float. :param tfr: CDM transfer function in Fourier space used to scale the plane pixel values :type tfr: :py:class:`TransferFunction` :param with_scale_factor: if True, multiply the pixel values by an additional (1+znew) / (1+z0) overall factor :type with_scale_factor: bool. :param kmesh: the comoving wavenumber meshgrid (kx,ky) necessary for the calculations in Fourier space; if None, a new one is computed from scratch (must have the appropriate dimensions) :type kmesh: quantity :param scaling_method: must be ether "uniform" (all pixels scaled by the same factor, in which case the transfer function at low k is used) or "FFT" in which the full transfer function should be used :type scaling_method: str. """ #Type check assert isinstance(tfr,TransferFunction) #Original and final redshifts z0 = self.redshift z1 = z #Log logplanes.debug("Scaling fluctuations on lens at redshift {0:.6f} to redshift {1:.6f} with method {2}".format(z0,z1,scaling_method)) if scaling_method=="uniform": #Scale all the pixels on the plane by the same factor z0t,k,t0 = tfr[z0] z1t,k,t1 = tfr[z1] if z0t==z1t: raise ValueError("The transfer function binning in z is too coarse! No scaling can be performed!") *= t1[0]/t0[0] elif scaling_method=="FFT": #The scaling is performed in Fourier space ft_plane = fftengine.rfft2( if kmesh is None: lx,ly = np.array(np.meshgrid(fftengine.rfftfreq([0]),fftengine.fftfreq([0]))) kmesh = np.sqrt(lx**2+ly**2)*2.*np.pi / self.side_angle #Multiply by the Fourier pixels by the transfer function ft_plane *= tfr(z1,kmesh) ft_plane /= tfr(z0,kmesh) #Invert the transfer function to get the scaled plane in real space[:] = fftengine.irfft2(ft_plane) else: raise ValueError("Scaling method {0} not recognized".format(scaling_method)) if with_scale_factor: *= (1+z1)/(1+z0) #Log logplanes.debug("Scaled fluctuations on lens at redshift {0:.6f} to redshift {1:.6f} with method {2}".format(z0,z1,scaling_method))
######################################################################################## #Scale fluctuations with transfer function
[docs]class TransferSpecs(object): def __init__(self,tfr,cur2target,with_scale_factor,kmesh,scaling_method): """ Specifications for fluctuations scaling :param tfr: CDM transfer function in Fourier space used to scale the plane pixel values :type tfr: :py:class:`TransferFunction` :param cur2target: dictionary that converts the current lens redshift to the target lens redshift :type cur2target: dict. :param with_scale_factor: if True, multiply the pixel values by an additional (1+znew) / (1+z0) overall factor :type with_scale_factor: bool. :param kmesh: the comoving wavenumber meshgrid (kx,ky) necessary for the calculations in Fourier space; if None, a new one is computed from scratch (must have the appropriate dimensions) :type kmesh: quantity :param scaling_method: must be ether "average" (all pixels scaled by the same factor, in which case the transfer function at low k is used) or "FFT" in which the full transfer function should be used :type scaling_method: str. """ #Sanity check assert isinstance(tfr,TransferFunction) self.tfr = tfr self.cur2target = cur2target self.with_scale_factor = with_scale_factor self.kmesh = kmesh self.scaling_method = scaling_method
######################################################################################## ########################################################### #################DensityPlane class######################## ###########################################################
[docs]class DensityPlane(Plane): """ Class handler of a lens density plane, inherits from the parent Plane class; additionally it defines redshift and comoving distance attributes that are needed for ray tracing operations """
[docs] def potential(self,lmesh=None): """ Computes the lensing potential from the density plane solving the Poisson equation via FFTs :param lmesh: the FFT frequency meshgrid (lx,ly) necessary for the calculations in fourier space; if None, a new one is computed from scratch (must have the appropriate dimensions) :type lmesh: array :returns: PotentialPlane instance with the computed lensing potential """ if self.side_angle.unit.physical_type=="length": raise NotImplementedError("potential calculations for physical planes not implemented yet") #Initialize l meshgrid if lmesh is None: l = np.array(np.meshgrid(fftengine.rfftfreq([0]),fftengine.fftfreq([0]))) else: l = lmesh #Compute the magnitude squared of the wavenumber l_squared = l[0]**2 + l[1]**2 l_squared[0,0] = 1.0 #Go with the FFTs if"real": density_ft = fftengine.rfft2( elif"fourier": density_ft = else: raise ValueError("space must be either real or fourier!") #Invert the laplacian density_ft *= -2.0*((**2) / (l_squared * ((2.0*np.pi)**2)) density_ft[0,0] = 0.0 #Instantiate the new PotentialPlane return PotentialPlane(data=fftengine.irfft2(density_ft),angle=self.side_angle,redshift=self.redshift,comoving_distance=self.comoving_distance,cosmology=self.cosmology,num_particles=self.num_particles,unit=rad**2)
def densityGradient(self,x=None,y=None,lmesh=None): """ Computes the density gradient at selected positions with finite differences; it is also possible to proceed with FFTs :param x: optional; if not None, compute the density gradient only for rays hitting the lens at the particular x positions (mainly for speedup in case there are less light rays than the plane resolution allows; must proceed in real space to allow speedup) :type x: array with units :param y: optional; if not None, compute the density gradient only for rays hitting the lens at the particular y positions (mainly for speedup in case there are less light rays than the plane resolution allows; must proceed in real space to allow speedup) :type y: array with units :param lmesh: the FFT frequency meshgrid (lx,ly) necessary for the calculations in fourier space; if None, a new one is computed from scratch (must have the appropriate dimensions) :type lmesh: array :returns: array with deflections of rays hitting the lens at (x,y) """ dgrad = self._grad(x,y,lmesh).to(1/rad) if (x is not None) and (y is not None): return dgrad else: return Spin1(dgrad.value,angle=self.side_angle)
########################################################### ###############PotentialPlane class######################## ###########################################################
[docs]class PotentialPlane(Plane): """ Class handler of a lens potential plane, inherits from the parent Plane class; additionally it defines redshift and comoving distance attributes that are needed for ray tracing operations """
[docs] def deflectionAngles(self,x=None,y=None,lmesh=None): """ Computes the deflection angles for the given lensing potential by taking the gradient of the potential map; it is also possible to proceed with FFTs :param x: optional; if not None, compute the deflection angles only for rays hitting the lens at the particular x positions (mainly for speedup in case there are less light rays than the plane resolution allows; must proceed in real space to allow speedup) :type x: array with units :param y: optional; if not None, compute the deflection angles only for rays hitting the lens at the particular y positions (mainly for speedup in case there are less light rays than the plane resolution allows; must proceed in real space to allow speedup) :type y: array with units :param lmesh: the FFT frequency meshgrid (lx,ly) necessary for the calculations in fourier space; if None, a new one is computed from scratch (must have the appropriate dimensions) :type lmesh: array :returns: DeflectionPlane instance, or array with deflections of rays hitting the lens at (x,y) """ deflection = self._grad(x,y,lmesh) assert deflection.unit.physical_type=="angle" deflection = if (x is not None) and (y is not None): #If x and y are specified, return the deflections only at those particular points return deflection else: #Otherwise return the whole DeflectionPlane instance if we computed the entire mesh return DeflectionPlane(deflection,angle=self.side_angle,redshift=self.redshift,comoving_distance=self.comoving_distance,cosmology=self.cosmology,unit=rad)
[docs] def shearMatrix(self,x=None,y=None,lmesh=None): """ Computes the shear matrix for the given lensing potential; it is also possible to proceed with FFTs :param x: optional; if not None, compute the shear matrix only for rays hitting the lens at the particular x positions (mainly for speedup in case there are less light rays than the plane resolution allows; must proceed in real space to allow speedup) :type x: array with units :param y: optional; if not None, compute the shear matrix only for rays hitting the lens at the particular y positions (mainly for speedup in case there are less light rays than the plane resolution allows; must proceed in real space to allow speedup) :type y: array with units :param lmesh: the FFT frequency meshgrid (lx,ly) necessary for the calculations in fourier space; if None, a new one is computed from scratch (must have the appropriate dimensions) :type lmesh: array :returns: ShearTensorPlane instance, or array with deflections of rays hitting the lens at (x,y) """ now = time.time() last_timestamp = now if"real": #Scale x and y to lengths in case this is a physical plane if self.side_angle.unit.physical_type=="length" and (x is not None) and (y is not None): x = * self.comoving_distance y = * self.comoving_distance #Compute the second derivatives tensor = np.array(self.hessian(x,y)) elif"fourier": #It doesn't make sense to select (x,y) when we proceed with FFTs assert (x is None) and (y is None),"It doesn't make sense to select (x,y) when we proceed with FFTs!" #Compute deflections in fourier space if lmesh is None: lx,ly = np.array(np.meshgrid(fftengine.rfftfreq([0]),fftengine.fftfreq([0]))) else: lx,ly = lmesh #Compute deflections in fourier space ft_tensor_xx = -(2.0*np.pi)**2 * * (lx**2) ft_tensor_xy = -(2.0*np.pi)**2 * * (lx*ly) ft_tensor_yy = -(2.0*np.pi)**2 * * (ly**2) #Go back in real space tensor_xx = fftengine.irfft2(ft_tensor_xx) tensor_xy = fftengine.irfft2(ft_tensor_xy) tensor_yy = fftengine.irfft2(ft_tensor_yy) tensor = np.array([tensor_xx,tensor_yy,tensor_xy]) else: raise ValueError("space must be either real or fourier!") #Scale units tensor = tensor * self.unit tensor /= self.resolution**2 if self.side_angle.unit.physical_type=="length": tensor *= self.comoving_distance**2 tensor /= rad**2 assert tensor.unit.physical_type=="dimensionless" tensor = tensor.decompose().value #Return the ShearTensorPlane instance if (x is not None) and (y is not None): return tensor else: return ShearTensorPlane(tensor,angle=self.side_angle,redshift=self.redshift,comoving_distance=self.comoving_distance,cosmology=self.cosmology,unit=dimensionless_unscaled)
[docs] def density(self,x=None,y=None): """ Computes the projected density fluctuation by taking the laplacian of the potential; useful to check if the potential is reasonable :param x: optional; if not None, compute the density only for rays hitting the lens at the particular x positions (mainly for speedup in case there are less light rays than the plane resolution allows; must proceed in real space to allow speedup) :type x: array with units :param y: optional; if not None, compute the density only for rays hitting the lens at the particular y positions (mainly for speedup in case there are less light rays than the plane resolution allows; must proceed in real space to allow speedup) :type y: array with units :returns: DensityPlane instance with the density fluctuation data (if x and y are None), or numpy array with the same shape as x and y """ #Compute the laplacian if"real": #Scale x and y to lengths in case this is a physical plane if self.side_angle.unit.physical_type=="length" and (x is not None) and (y is not None): x = * self.comoving_distance y = * self.comoving_distance logplanes.debug("Computing hessian...") hessian_xx,hessian_yy,hessian_xy = self.hessian(x,y) logplanes.debug("Computing laplacian...") laplacian = hessian_xx + hessian_yy logplanes.debug("Laplacian calculation completed") elif"fourier": ly,lx = np.meshgrid(fftengine.fftfreq([0]),fftengine.rfftfreq([0]),indexing="ij") ft_laplacian = -1.0 * (2.0*np.pi)**2 * (lx**2 + ly**2) * laplacian = fftengine.irfft2(ft_laplacian) else: raise ValueError("space must be either real or fourier!") #Scale the units laplacian = laplacian * self.unit laplacian /= (self.resolution**2) if self.side_angle.unit.physical_type=="length": laplacian *= self.comoving_distance**2 laplacian /= rad**2 assert laplacian.unit.physical_type=="dimensionless" laplacian = laplacian.decompose().value #The density is twice the trace of the hessian if (x is not None) and (y is not None): return 0.5*laplacian else: return DensityPlane(0.5*laplacian,angle=self.side_angle,cosmology=self.cosmology,redshift=self.redshift,comoving_distance=self.comoving_distance,num_particles=self.num_particles,unit=dimensionless_unscaled)
######################################################################################################################################### def densityGradient(self,x=None,y=None): """ Computes the density for the given lensing potential by taking the gradient of the potential map; it is also possible to proceed with FFTs :param x: optional; if not None, compute the deflection angles only for rays hitting the lens at the particular x positions (mainly for speedup in case there are less light rays than the plane resolution allows; must proceed in real space to allow speedup) :type x: array with units :param y: optional; if not None, compute the deflection angles only for rays hitting the lens at the particular y positions (mainly for speedup in case there are less light rays than the plane resolution allows; must proceed in real space to allow speedup) :type y: array with units :param lmesh: the FFT frequency meshgrid (lx,ly) necessary for the calculations in fourier space; if None, a new one is computed from scratch (must have the appropriate dimensions) :type lmesh: array :returns: DeflectionPlane instance, or array with deflections of rays hitting the lens at (x,y) """ now = time.time() last_timestamp = now if"real": #Scale x and y to lengths in case this is a physical plane if self.side_angle.unit.physical_type=="length" and (x is not None) and (y is not None): x = * self.comoving_distance y = * self.comoving_distance #Compute the gradient of the density map grad_x,grad_y = self.gradLaplacian(x,y) grad = np.array([grad_x,grad_y]) elif"fourier": raise NotImplementedError else: raise ValueError("space must be either real or fourier!") #Scale to units grad = grad * self.unit grad /= (self.resolution**3) if self.side_angle.unit.physical_type=="length": grad *= (self.comoving_distance**3) grad /= (rad**3) #Return if (x is not None) and (y is not None): return 0.5* else: return Spin1(0.5*,angle=self.side_angle) ######################################################################################################################################### def quadGP(self,x=None,y=None): """ Computes the quadratic geodesic perturbation integrand (grad potential dot grad density) for the given lensing potential plane :param x: optional; if not None, focus only on these x positions :type x: array with units :param y: optional; if not None, focus only on these y positions :type y: array with units :returns: Plane instance, or array with deflections of rays hitting the lens at (x,y) """ #Scale x and y to lengths in case this is a physical plane if self.side_angle.unit.physical_type=="length" and (x is not None) and (y is not None): x = * self.comoving_distance y = * self.comoving_distance #Compute gradients px,py = self.gradient(x,y) dx,dy = self.gradLaplacian(x,y) #Dot product gp2 = (px*dx + py*dy) * (self.unit**2) / (self.resolution**4) if self.side_angle.unit.physical_type=="length": gp2 *= (self.comoving_distance**4) gp2 /= (rad**4) assert gp2.unit.physical_type=="dimensionless" #Return if (x is not None) and (y is not None): return gp2.decompose().value else: return Plane(gp2.decompose().value,angle=self.side_angle,comoving_distance=self.comoving_distance,cosmology=self.cosmology,unit=dimensionless_unscaled)
############################################################# ################DeflectionPlane class######################## #############################################################
[docs]class DeflectionPlane(Spin1): """ Class handler of a lens deflection plane, inherits from the parent Spin1 class and holds the values of the deflection angles of the light rays that cross a potential plane """ def __init__(self,data,angle,redshift=2.0,comoving_distance=None,cosmology=None,unit=rad): #Sanity check assert (cosmology is not None) or (comoving_distance is not None),"cosmology and comoving_distance cannot be both none!!" super(self.__class__,self).__init__(data,angle) self.redshift = redshift self.unit = unit #If a comoving distance is provided, use that; otherwise it needs to be computed from the astropy cosmology instance if comoving_distance is not None: assert comoving_distance.unit.physical_type=="length" self.comoving_distance = comoving_distance else: self.comoving_distance = cosmology.comoving_distance(redshift)
[docs] def jacobian(self): """ Computes the jacobian of the deflection angles, useful to compute shear and convergence; units are handled properly :returns: the jacobian of the deflection field in array form, of shape (4,:,:) where the four components are, respectively, xx,xy,yx,yy """ jac = self.gradient() * self.unit / self.resolution if self.side_angle.unit.physical_type=="length": jac *= self.comoving_distance jac /= rad assert jac.unit.physical_type=="dimensionless" return jac.decompose().value
[docs] def convergence(self): """ Computes the convergence from the deflection angles by taking the appropriate components of the jacobian :returns: ConvergenceMap instance with the computed convergence values """ #Compute the jacobian and the convergence by tracing it jacobian = self.jacobian() convergence = -0.5*(jacobian[0]+jacobian[3]) #Instantiate the convergence map return ConvergenceMap(convergence,angle=self.side_angle)
[docs] def omega(self): """ Computes the omega field (i.e. the rotation) from the deflection angles by taking the appropriate components of the jacobian :returns: OmegaMap instance with the computed omega values """ #Compute the jacobian and the convergence by tracing it jacobian = self.jacobian() omega = -0.5*(jacobian[2]-jacobian[1]) #Instantiate the convergence map return OmegaMap(omega,angle=self.side_angle)
[docs] def shear(self): """ Computes the shear from the deflection angles by taking the appropriate components of the jacobian :returns: ShearMap instance with the computed convergence values """ #Compute the jacobian and the shear jacobian = self.jacobian() shear = np.array([0.5*(jacobian[3]-jacobian[0]),-0.5*(jacobian[1]+jacobian[2])]) #Instantiate the shear map return ShearMap(shear,angle=self.side_angle)
############################################################ #############ShearTensorPlane class######################### ############################################################
[docs]class ShearTensorPlane(Spin2): """ Class handler of a plane of shear matrices, inherits from the parent Spin2 class and holds the 3 values of the symmetric shear matrix (2 diagonal + 1 off diagonal), for each pixel """ def __init__(self,data,angle,redshift=2.0,comoving_distance=None,cosmology=None,unit=dimensionless_unscaled): #Sanity check assert (cosmology is not None) or (comoving_distance is not None),"cosmology and comoving_distance cannot be both none!!" assert data.shape[0]==3,"A symmetric 2x2 matrix has 3 independent components!!" super(self.__class__,self).__init__(data,angle) self.redshift = redshift self.unit = unit #If a comoving distance is provided, use that; otherwise it needs to be computed from the astropy cosmology instance if comoving_distance is not None: assert comoving_distance.unit.physical_type=="length" self.comoving_distance = comoving_distance else: self.comoving_distance = cosmology.comoving_distance(redshift)
####################################################### ###############RayTracer class######################### #######################################################
[docs]class RayTracer(object): """ Class handler of ray tracing operations: it mainly computes the path corrections of light rays that travel through a set of gravitational lenses """ def __init__(self,lens_mesh_size=None,lens_type=PotentialPlane): self.Nlenses = 0 self.lens = list() self.distance = list() self.redshift = list() self.lens_type = lens_type #If we know the size of the lens planes already we can compute, once and for all, the FFT meshgrid if lens_mesh_size is not None: self.lmesh = np.array(np.meshgrid(fftengine.rfftfreq(lens_mesh_size),fftengine.fftfreq(lens_mesh_size))) else: self.lmesh = None
[docs] def addLens(self,lens_specification): """ Adds a gravitational lens to the ray tracer, either by putting in a lens plane, or by specifying the name of a file which contains the lens specifications :param lens_specification: specifications of the lens to add, either in tuple(filename,distance,redshift) or as a PotentialPlane instance :type lens specification: tuple or PotentialPlane instance """ #Sanity check assert type(lens_specification) in [tuple,self.lens_type] #If specification is in tuple form, parse it if type(lens_specification)==tuple: filename,distance,redshift = lens_specification assert type(filename)==str assert distance.unit.physical_type=="length" assert type(redshift)==float self.lens.append(filename) self.distance.append(distance) self.redshift.append(redshift) self.Nlenses += 1 else: #Otherwise get the info from the PotentialPlane class self.lens.append(lens_specification) self.distance.append(lens_specification.comoving_distance) self.redshift.append(lens_specification.redshift) self.Nlenses += 1 #If completed correctly, log info to the user logray.debug("Added lens at redshift {0:.3f}(comoving distance {1:.3f})".format(self.redshift[-1],self.distance[-1]))
#Load the lens def loadLens(self,lens): if type(lens)==self.lens_type: return lens elif type(lens)==str:"Reading plane from {0}...".format(lens)) current_lens = self.lens_type.load(lens)"Read plane from {0}...".format(lens)) logstderr.debug("Read plane: peak memory usage {0:.3f} (task)".format(peakMemory()))"Randomly rolling lens at z={0:.3f} along its axes...".format(current_lens.redshift)) current_lens.randomRoll()"Rolled lens at z={0:.3f} along its axes...".format(current_lens.redshift)) logstderr.debug("Rolled lens: peak memory usage {0:.3f} (task)".format(peakMemory())) return current_lens else: raise TypeError("Lens format not recognized!")
[docs] def randomRoll(self,seed=None): """ Randomly rolls all the lenses in the system along both axes :param seed: random seed with which to initialize the generator :type seed: int. """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) for lens in self.lens: lens.randomRoll(seed=None,lmesh=self.lmesh)
[docs] def reorderLenses(self): """ Reorders the lenses in the ray tracer according to their comoving distance from the observer """ self.lens = [ lens for (redshift,lens) in sorted(zip(self.redshift,self.lens)) ] self.redshift.sort() self.distance.sort()
################################################################################################################################## #####################This method solves the nonlinear lensing ODE################################################################# #############################(backward ray tracing)############################################################################### ##################################################################################################################################
[docs] def shoot(self,initial_positions,z=2.0,initial_deflection=None,kind="positions",save_intermediate=False,compute_all_deflections=False,callback=None,transfer=None,**kwargs): """ Shots a bucket of light rays from the observer to the sources at redshift z (backward ray tracing), through the system of gravitational lenses, and computes the deflection statistics :param initial_positions: initial angular positions of the light ray bucket, according to the observer; if unitless, the positions are assumed to be in radians. initial_positions[0] is x, initial_positions[1] is y :type initial_positions: numpy array or quantity :param z: redshift of the sources; if an array is passed, a redshift must be specified for each ray, i.e. z.shape==initial_positions.shape[1:] :type z: float. or array :param initial_deflection: if not None, this is the initial deflection light rays undergo with respect to the line of sight (equivalent to specifying the first derivative IC on the lensing ODE); must have the same shape as initial_positions :type initial_deflection: numpy array or quantity :param kind: what deflection statistics to compute; "positions" will calculate the ray deflections after they crossed the last lens, "jacobian" will compute the lensing jacobian matrix after the last lens, "shear" and "convergence" will compute the omonimous weak lensing statistics :type kind: str. :param save_intermediate: save the intermediate positions of the rays too :type save_intermediate: bool. :param compute_all_deflections: if True, computes the gradients of the lensing potential at every pixel on the lens(might be overkill if Nrays<<Npixels); must be True if the computation is done with FFTs :type compute_all_deflections: bool. :param callback: if not None, this callback function is called on the current ray positions array at each step in the ray tracing; the current raytracing instance and the step number are passed as additional arguments, hence callback must match this signature :type callback: callable :param transfer: if not None, scales the fluctuations on each lens plane to a different redshift (before computing the ray defections) using a provided transfer function :type transfer: :py:class:`TransferSpecs` :param kwargs: the keyword arguments are passed to the callback if not None :type kwargs: dict. :returns: angular positions (or jacobians) of the light rays after the last lens crossing """ #Sanity check assert self.lens_type==PotentialPlane, "Lens type must be PotentialPlane" assert initial_positions.ndim>=2 and initial_positions.shape[0]==2,"initial positions shape must be (2,...)!" assert type(initial_positions)==quantity.Quantity and initial_positions.unit.physical_type=="angle" assert kind in ["positions","jacobians","shear","convergence"],"kind must be one in [positions,jacobians,shear,convergence]!" assert transfer is None or isinstance(transfer,TransferSpecs) #Allocate arrays for the intermediate light ray positions and deflections if initial_deflection is None: current_positions = initial_positions.copy() current_deflection = np.zeros(initial_positions.shape) * initial_positions.unit else: assert initial_deflection.shape==initial_positions.shape current_deflection = initial_deflection.copy() current_positions = initial_positions + initial_deflection #If we want to trace jacobians, allocate also space for the jacobians if kind in ["jacobians","shear","convergence"]: #Initial condition for the jacobian is the identity current_jacobian = np.outer(np.array([1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]),np.ones(initial_positions.shape[1:])).reshape((4,)+initial_positions.shape[1:]) current_jacobian_deflection = np.zeros(current_jacobian.shape) #Useful to compute the product of the jacobian (2x2 matrix) with the shear matrix (2x2 symmetric matrix) dotter = np.zeros((4,3,4)) dotter[(0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3),(0,2,0,2,2,1,2,1),(0,2,1,3,0,2,1,3)] = 1 #Decide which is the last lens the light rays should cross if type(z)==np.ndarray: #Check that shapes correspond assert z.shape==initial_positions.shape[1:] #Check that redshift is not too high given the current lenses assert z.max()<self.redshift[-1],"Given the current lenses you can trace up to redshift {0:.2f}!".format(self.redshift[-1]) #Compute the number of lenses that each ray should cross last_lens_ray = (z[None] > np.array(self.redshift).reshape((len(self.redshift),)+(1,)*len(z.shape))).argmin(0) - 1 last_lens = last_lens_ray.max() else: #Check that redshift is not too high given the current lenses assert z<self.redshift[-1],"Given the current lenses you can trace up to redshift {0:.2f}!".format(self.redshift[-1]) last_lens = (z>np.array(self.redshift)).argmin() - 1 if kind=="positions" and save_intermediate: all_positions = np.zeros((last_lens+1,) + initial_positions.shape) * initial_positions.unit #The light rays positions at the k+1 th step are computed according to Xk+1 = Xk + Dk, where Dk is the deflection #To stabilize the solution numerically we compute the deflections as Dk+1 = (Ak-1)Dk + Ck*pk where pk is the deflection due to the potential gradient #Ordered references to the lenses distance = np.array([ for d in [0.0*Mpc] + self.distance ]) redshift = np.array([0.0] + self.redshift) lens = self.lens #This is the main loop that goes through all the lenses for k in range(last_lens+1): #Load in the lens current_lens = self.loadLens(lens[k]) np.testing.assert_approx_equal(current_lens.redshift,self.redshift[k],significant=4,err_msg="Loaded lens ({0}) redshift does not match info file specifications {1} neq {2}!".format(k,current_lens.redshift,self.redshift[k])) #If transfer function is provided, scale to target redshift if transfer is not None: current_lens.scaleWithTransfer(transfer.cur2target[current_lens.redshift],tfr=transfer.tfr,with_scale_factor=transfer.with_scale_factor,kmesh=transfer.kmesh,scaling_method=transfer.scaling_method) #Log logray.debug("Crossing lens {0} at redshift z={1:.3f}".format(k,current_lens.redshift)) start = time.time() last_timestamp = start #Compute the deflection angles and log timestamp if compute_all_deflections: deflections = current_lens.deflectionAngles(lmesh=self.lmesh).getValues(current_positions[0],current_positions[1]) else: deflections = current_lens.deflectionAngles(current_positions[0],current_positions[1]) now = time.time() logray.debug("Retrieval of deflection angles from potential planes completed in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) logstderr.debug("Retrieval of deflection angles: peak memory usage {0:.3f} (task)".format(peakMemory())) last_timestamp = now #If we are tracing jacobians we need to retrieve the shear matrices too if kind in ["jacobians","convergence","shear"]: if compute_all_deflections: shear_tensors = current_lens.shearMatrix(lmesh=self.lmesh).getValues(current_positions[0],current_positions[1]) else: shear_tensors = current_lens.shearMatrix(current_positions[0],current_positions[1]) now = time.time() logray.debug("Shear matrices retrieved in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) logstderr.debug("Shear matrices retrieved: peak memory usage {0:.3f} (task)".format(peakMemory())) last_timestamp = now ##################################################################################### #Compute geometrical weight factors Ak = (distance[k+1] / distance[k+2]) * (1.0 + (distance[k+2] - distance[k+1])/(distance[k+1] - distance[k])) Ck = -1.0 * (distance[k+2] - distance[k+1]) / distance[k+2] #Compute the position on the next lens and log timestamp current_deflection *= (Ak-1) now = time.time() logray.debug("Geometrical weight factors calculations and deflection scaling completed in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now #Add deflections and log timestamp current_deflection += Ck * deflections now = time.time() logray.debug("Deflection angles computed in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now #If we are tracing jacobians we need to compute the matrix product with the shear matrix if kind in ["jacobians","convergence","shear"]: current_jacobian_deflection *= (Ak-1) #This is the part in which the products with the shear matrix are computed current_jacobian_deflection += Ck * (np.tensordot(dotter,current_jacobian,axes=([2],[0])) * shear_tensors).sum(1) now = time.time() logray.debug("Shear matrix products computed in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) logstderr.debug("Shear matrix products completed: peak memory usage {0:.3f} (task)".format(peakMemory())) last_timestamp = now ########################################################################################### if type(z)==np.ndarray: current_positions[:,k<last_lens_ray] += current_deflection[:,k<last_lens_ray] current_positions[:,k==last_lens_ray] += current_deflection[:,k==last_lens_ray] * (z[None,k==last_lens_ray] - redshift[k+1]) / (redshift[k+2] - redshift[k+1]) #We need to add the distortions to the jacobians too if kind in ["jacobians","convergence","shear"]: current_jacobian[:,k<last_lens_ray] += current_jacobian_deflection[:,k<last_lens_ray] current_jacobian[:,k==last_lens_ray] += current_jacobian_deflection[:,k==last_lens_ray] * (z[None,k==last_lens_ray] - redshift[k+1]) / (redshift[k+2] - redshift[k+1]) else: if k<last_lens: current_positions += current_deflection else: current_positions += current_deflection * (z - redshift[k+1]) / (redshift[k+2] - redshift[k+1]) #We need to add the distortions to the jacobians too if kind in ["jacobians","convergence","shear"]: if k<last_lens: current_jacobian += current_jacobian_deflection else: current_jacobian += current_jacobian_deflection * (z - redshift[k+1]) / (redshift[k+2] - redshift[k+1]) now = time.time() logray.debug("Addition of deflections completed in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) logstderr.debug("Addition of deflections completed: peak memory usage {0:.3f} (task)".format(peakMemory())) last_timestamp = now #Save the intermediate positions if option was specified if kind=="positions" and save_intermediate: all_positions[k] = current_positions.copy() #Optionally, call the callback function on the current positions if callback is not None: if kind=="positions": callback(current_positions,self,k,**kwargs) elif kind=="jacobians": callback(current_jacobian,self,k,**kwargs) #Log timestamp to cross lens now = time.time() logray.debug("Lens {0} at z={1:.3f} crossed in {2:.3f}s".format(k,current_lens.redshift,now-start)) logstderr.debug("Lens {0} crossed: peak memory usage {1:.3f} (task)".format(k,peakMemory())) #Return the final positions of the light rays (or jacobians) if kind=="positions": if save_intermediate: return all_positions else: return current_positions else: #Different return types according to option (can compute convergence and shear directly) if kind=="convergence": return 1.0 - 0.5*(current_jacobian[0]+current_jacobian[3]) elif kind=="shear": return np.array([0.5*(current_jacobian[3] - current_jacobian[0]),-0.5*(current_jacobian[1]+current_jacobian[2])]) else: return current_jacobian
################################################################################## ###########Direct calculation of the convergence with Born approximation########## ##################################################################################
[docs] def convergenceBorn(self,initial_positions,z=2.0,save_intermediate=False,real_trajectory=False): """ Computes the convergence directly integrating the lensing density along the line of sight (real or unperturbed) :param initial_positions: initial angular positions of the light ray bucket, according to the observer; if unitless, the positions are assumed to be in radians. initial_positions[0] is x, initial_positions[1] is y :type initial_positions: numpy array or quantity :param z: redshift of the sources :type z: float. :param save_intermediate: save the intermediate values of the convergence as successive lenses are crossed :type save_intermediate: bool. :param real_trajectory: if True, integrate the density on the real light ray trajectory; if False the unperturbed trajectory is used :type real_trajectory: bool. :returns: convergence values at each of the initial positions """ #Sanity check assert initial_positions.ndim>=2 and initial_positions.shape[0]==2,"initial positions shape must be (2,...)!" assert type(initial_positions)==quantity.Quantity and initial_positions.unit.physical_type=="angle" #Check that redshift is not too high given the current lenses assert z<self.redshift[-1],"Given the current lenses you can trace up to redshift {0:.2f}!".format(self.redshift[-1]) last_lens = (z>np.array(self.redshift)).argmin() - 1 if save_intermediate: all_convergence = np.zeros((last_lens+1,) + initial_positions.shape[1:]) #Ordered references to the lenses distance = np.array([ for d in [0.0*Mpc] + self.distance ]) redshift = np.array([0.0] + self.redshift) lens = self.lens #Initial positions current_positions = initial_positions.copy() if real_trajectory: current_deflection = np.zeros(initial_positions.shape) * initial_positions.unit #Timestamp now = time.time() last_timestamp = now #Loop that goes through the lenses current_convergence = np.zeros(initial_positions.shape[1:]) for k in range(last_lens+1): #Start time for this lens start = time.time() #Load in the lens current_lens = self.loadLens(lens[k]) np.testing.assert_approx_equal(current_lens.redshift,self.redshift[k],significant=4,err_msg="Loaded lens ({0}) redshift does not match info file specifications {1} neq {2}!".format(k,current_lens.redshift,self.redshift[k])) #Extract the density at the ray positions now = time.time() logray.debug("Extracting density values from lens {0} at redshift {1:2f}".format(k,current_lens.redshift)) last_timestamp = now #Compute full density plane if self.lens_type==PotentialPlane: density = current_lens.density(current_positions[0],current_positions[1]) elif self.lens_type==DensityPlane: density = current_lens.getValues(current_positions[0],current_positions[1]) else: raise TypeError("Lens format not recognized!") #Timestamp now = time.time() logray.debug("Density values extracted in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now #Cumulate on the convergence if k<last_lens: current_convergence += density * (1. - (distance[k+1]/current_lens.cosmology.comoving_distance(z).to(Mpc).value)) else: current_convergence += density * (1. - (distance[k+1]/current_lens.cosmology.comoving_distance(z).to(Mpc).value)) * (z - redshift[k+1]) / (redshift[k+2] - redshift[k+1]) #Compute ray deflections if real_trajectory: #Compute deflections due to current lens deflections = current_lens.deflectionAngles(current_positions[0],current_positions[1]) #Geometric factors Ak = (distance[k+1] / distance[k+2]) * (1.0 + (distance[k+2] - distance[k+1])/(distance[k+1] - distance[k])) Ck = -1.0 * (distance[k+2] - distance[k+1]) / distance[k+2] #Compute the position on the next lens and log timestamp current_deflection *= (Ak-1) now = time.time() logray.debug("Geometrical weight factors calculations and deflection scaling completed in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now #Add deflections and log timestamp current_deflection += Ck * deflections now = time.time() logray.debug("Deflection angles computed in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now #Add deflection to current positions current_positions += current_deflection now = time.time() logray.debug("Lens {0} crossed in {1:.3f}s".format(k,now-start)) last_timestamp = now #Save the intermediate convergence values if option is enabled if save_intermediate: all_convergence[k] = current_convergence.copy() #Return to the user if save_intermediate: return all_convergence else: return current_convergence
################################################################################## ###########Calculation of the convergence at second post-Born order############### ##################################################################################
[docs] def convergencePostBorn2(self,initial_positions,z=2.0,save_intermediate=False,include_first_order=False,include_ll=True,include_gp=True,transpose_up_to=-1,callback=None,**kwargs): """ Computes the convergence at second post-born order with a double line of sight integral :param initial_positions: initial angular positions of the light ray bucket, according to the observer; if unitless, the positions are assumed to be in radians. initial_positions[0] is x, initial_positions[1] is y :type initial_positions: numpy array or quantity :param z: redshift of the sources :type z: float. :param save_intermediate: save the intermediate values of the convergence as successive lenses are crossed :type save_intermediate: bool. :param include_first_order: include the first order contribution to the convergence :type include_first_order: bool. :param include_ll: include lens-lens coupling :type include_ll: bool. :param include_gp: include geodesic perturbation :type include_gp: bool. :param transpose_up_to: transpose all the lenses before a certain index before integration :type transpose_up_to: int. :param callback: function is called on each contribution to the convergence during the LOS integration. The signature of the callback is callback(array_ov_values,tracer,k,type,**kwargs) :type callback: callable. :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to be passed to the callback :type kwargs: dict. :returns: convergence values (2-post born) at each of the initial positions """ #Sanity check assert initial_positions.ndim>=2 and initial_positions.shape[0]==2,"initial positions shape must be (2,...)!" assert type(initial_positions)==quantity.Quantity and initial_positions.unit.physical_type=="angle" assert self.lens_type==PotentialPlane #Check that redshift is not too high given the current lenses assert z<self.redshift[-1],"Given the current lenses you can trace up to redshift {0:.2f}!".format(self.redshift[-1]) last_lens = (z>np.array(self.redshift)).argmin() - 1 if save_intermediate: all_convergence = np.zeros((last_lens+1,) + initial_positions.shape[1:]) #Ordered references to the lenses distance = np.array([ for d in [0.0*Mpc] + self.distance ]) redshift = np.array([0.0] + self.redshift) lens = self.lens #Initial positions current_positions = initial_positions #Timestamp now = time.time() last_timestamp = now #Loop that goes through the lenses current_convergence = np.zeros(initial_positions.shape[1:]) current_deflections_0 = np.zeros(initial_positions.shape)*rad current_deflections_1 = np.zeros(initial_positions.shape)*rad current_deflections = np.zeros(initial_positions.shape)*rad current_jacobians_0 = np.zeros((3,)+initial_positions.shape[1:]) current_jacobians_1 = np.zeros((3,)+initial_positions.shape[1:]) current_jacobians = np.zeros((3,)+initial_positions.shape[1:]) for k in range(last_lens+1): #Start time for this lens start = time.time() #Load in the lens current_lens = self.loadLens(lens[k]) np.testing.assert_approx_equal(current_lens.redshift,self.redshift[k],significant=4,err_msg="Loaded lens ({0}) redshift does not match info file specifications {1} neq {2}!".format(k,current_lens.redshift,self.redshift[k])) #Maybe transpose if k<=transpose_up_to: logray.debug("Transposing pixel values for lens {0}".format(k)) = #Distances, lensing kernel chi_prev = distance[k] chi = distance[k+1] kernel = 1. - (chi/current_lens.cosmology.comoving_distance(z).to(Mpc).value) ################################################################################# ##Compute lensing quantities (deflections, jacobian, density, density gradient)## ################################################################################# #Extract the field values at the ray positions now = time.time() logray.debug("Extracting field values from lens {0} at redshift {1:2f}".format(k,current_lens.redshift)) last_timestamp = now #Update local quantities deflections_lcl = current_lens.deflectionAngles(current_positions[0],current_positions[1]) shear_tensors_lcl = current_lens.shearMatrix(current_positions[0],current_positions[1]) density_grad_lcl = current_lens.densityGradient(current_positions[0],current_positions[1]) #Save geodesic perturbation term if callback is not None: callback((deflections_lcl*density_grad_lcl).decompose().value.sum(0),self,k,"gpgd",**kwargs) if include_first_order: density_lcl = 0.5*(shear_tensors_lcl[0]+shear_tensors_lcl[1]) #Update integrated quantities if k<last_lens: if include_ll: add_on = (0.5*kernel) * (shear_tensors_lcl*current_jacobians)[[0,1,2,2]].sum(0) current_convergence += add_on if callback is not None: callback(add_on,self,k,"ll",**kwargs) if include_gp: add_on = kernel * (density_grad_lcl*current_deflections).decompose().value.sum(0) current_convergence += add_on if callback is not None: callback(add_on,self,k,"gp",**kwargs) if include_first_order: add_on = kernel * density_lcl current_convergence += add_on if callback is not None: callback(add_on,self,k,"born",**kwargs) current_deflections_0 += deflections_lcl current_deflections_1 += deflections_lcl*(0.5*(chi+chi_prev)) current_deflections = -current_deflections_0 + current_deflections_1/chi current_jacobians_0 += shear_tensors_lcl current_jacobians_1 += shear_tensors_lcl*(0.5*(chi+chi_prev)) current_jacobians = -current_jacobians_0 + current_jacobians_1/chi else: if include_ll: add_on = (0.5 * kernel * (z - redshift[k+1]) / (redshift[k+2] - redshift[k+1])) * (shear_tensors_lcl*current_jacobians)[[0,1,2,2]].sum(0) current_convergence += add_on if callback is not None: callback(add_on,self,k,"ll",**kwargs) if include_gp: add_on = (kernel * (z - redshift[k+1]) / (redshift[k+2] - redshift[k+1])) * (density_grad_lcl*current_deflections).decompose().value.sum(0) current_convergence += add_on if callback is not None: callback(add_on,self,k,"gp",**kwargs) if include_first_order: add_on = kernel * density_lcl * (z - redshift[k+1]) / (redshift[k+2] - redshift[k+1]) current_convergence += add_on if callback is not None: callback(add_on,self,k,"born",**kwargs) #Timestamp now = time.time() logray.debug("Field values extracted in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now now = time.time() logray.debug("Lens {0} crossed in {1:.3f}s".format(k,now-start)) last_timestamp = now #Save the intermediate convergence values if option is enabled if save_intermediate: all_convergence[k] = current_convergence.copy() #Return to the user if save_intermediate: return all_convergence else: return current_convergence
######################################################################## ###########Calculation of omega at second post-Born order############### ########################################################################
[docs] def omegaPostBorn2(self,initial_positions,z=2.0,save_intermediate=False): """ Computes the omega at second post-born order :param initial_positions: initial angular positions of the light ray bucket, according to the observer; if unitless, the positions are assumed to be in radians. initial_positions[0] is x, initial_positions[1] is y :type initial_positions: numpy array or quantity :param z: redshift of the sources :type z: float. :param save_intermediate: save the intermediate values of the convergence as successive lenses are crossed :type save_intermediate: bool. :returns: omega values (2-post born) at each of the initial positions """ #Sanity check assert initial_positions.ndim>=2 and initial_positions.shape[0]==2,"initial positions shape must be (2,...)!" assert type(initial_positions)==quantity.Quantity and initial_positions.unit.physical_type=="angle" assert self.lens_type==PotentialPlane #Check that redshift is not too high given the current lenses assert z<self.redshift[-1],"Given the current lenses you can trace up to redshift {0:.2f}!".format(self.redshift[-1]) last_lens = (z>np.array(self.redshift)).argmin() - 1 if save_intermediate: all_omega = np.zeros((last_lens+1,) + initial_positions.shape[1:]) #Ordered references to the lenses distance = np.array([ for d in [0.0*Mpc] + self.distance ]) redshift = np.array([0.0] + self.redshift) lens = self.lens #Initial positions current_positions = initial_positions #Timestamp now = time.time() last_timestamp = now #Loop that goes through the lenses current_omega = np.zeros(initial_positions.shape[1:]) current_jacobians_0 = np.zeros((3,)+initial_positions.shape[1:]) current_jacobians_1 = np.zeros((3,)+initial_positions.shape[1:]) current_jacobians = np.zeros((3,)+initial_positions.shape[1:]) for k in range(last_lens+1): #Start time for this lens start = time.time() #Load in the lens current_lens = self.loadLens(lens[k]) np.testing.assert_approx_equal(current_lens.redshift,self.redshift[k],significant=4,err_msg="Loaded lens ({0}) redshift does not match info file specifications {1} neq {2}!".format(k,current_lens.redshift,self.redshift[k])) #Distances, lensing kernel chi_prev = distance[k] chi = distance[k+1] kernel = 1. - (chi/current_lens.cosmology.comoving_distance(z).to(Mpc).value) ################################################################################# ##Compute lensing quantities (deflections, jacobian, density, density gradient)## ################################################################################# #Extract the field values at the ray positions now = time.time() logray.debug("Extracting field values from lens {0} at redshift {1:2f}".format(k,current_lens.redshift)) last_timestamp = now #Update local quantities shear_tensors_lcl = current_lens.shearMatrix(current_positions[0],current_positions[1]) #Update integrated quantities if k<last_lens: current_omega += (0.5 * kernel) * (shear_tensors_lcl[2]*current_jacobians[0]+shear_tensors_lcl[1]*current_jacobians[2]-shear_tensors_lcl[0]*current_jacobians[2]-shear_tensors_lcl[2]*current_jacobians[1]) current_jacobians_0 += shear_tensors_lcl current_jacobians_1 += shear_tensors_lcl*(0.5*(chi+chi_prev)) current_jacobians = -current_jacobians_0 + current_jacobians_1/chi else: current_omega += (0.5 * kernel) * (shear_tensors_lcl[2]*current_jacobians[0]+shear_tensors_lcl[1]*current_jacobians[2]-shear_tensors_lcl[0]*current_jacobians[2]-shear_tensors_lcl[2]*current_jacobians[1]) * (z - redshift[k+1]) / (redshift[k+2] - redshift[k+1]) #Timestamp now = time.time() logray.debug("Field values extracted in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now now = time.time() logray.debug("Lens {0} crossed in {1:.3f}s".format(k,now-start)) last_timestamp = now #Save the intermediate convergence values if option is enabled if save_intermediate: all_omega[k] = current_omega.copy() #Return to the user if save_intermediate: return all_omega else: return current_omega
######################################################### ############Forward ray tracing########################## #########################################################
[docs] def shootForward(self,source_positions,z=2.0,save_intermediate=False,grid_resolution=512,interpolation="nearest"): """ Shoots a bucket of light rays from the source at redshift z to the observer at redshift 0 (forward ray tracing) and computes the according deflections using backward ray tracing plus a suitable interpolation scheme (KD Tree based) :param source_positions: angular positions of the unlensed sources :type source_positions: numpy array or quantity :param z: redshift of the sources :type z: float. :param save_intermediate: if True computes and saves the apparent image distortions after each lens is crossed (can be computationally expensive) :type save_intermediate: bool. :param grid_resolution: the number of points on a side of the interpolation grid (must be choosen big enough according to the number of sources to resolve) :type grid_resolution: int. :param interpolation: only "nearest" implemented so far :type interpolation: str. :returns: apparent positions of the sources as seen from the observer """ #First allocate the regular grid to use (must be fine enough to resolve the single ray distortions, since we use nearest neighbors interpolation for now) corner = source_positions.max(axis=tuple(range(1,len(source_positions.shape)))) initial_grid = np.array(np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0.0,corner[0].value,grid_resolution),np.linspace(0.0,corner[1].value,grid_resolution))) * corner.unit initial_grid = initial_grid.reshape((2,)+(reduce(mul,initial_grid.shape[1:]),)) now = time.time() last_timestamp = now #Perform the backwards ray tracing final_grid = self.shoot(initial_grid,z=z,save_intermediate=save_intermediate) now = time.time() logray.debug("Ray tracing in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now if save_intermediate: #If this option is enabled the full evolution of the distortions (after each lens is crossed) is computed #Allocate space for the apparent positions apparent_positions = np.zeros((final_grid.shape[0],) + source_positions.shape) * corner.unit for n in range(final_grid.shape[0]): #Next build the KD tree for nearest neighbors interpolation tree = KDTree(final_grid[n].transpose()) now = time.time() logray.debug("KDTree built in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now #Query the tree and retrieve the apparent positions distances,apparent_position_index = tree.query(source_positions.reshape((2,)+(reduce(mul,source_positions.shape[1:]),)).transpose()) now = time.time() logray.debug("Tree query completed in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now apparent_positions[n] = initial_grid[:,apparent_position_index].reshape(source_positions.shape).copy() else: #Next build the KD tree for nearest neighbors interpolation tree = KDTree(final_grid.transpose()) now = time.time() logray.debug("KDTree built in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now #Query the tree and retrieve the apparent positions distances,apparent_position_index = tree.query(source_positions.reshape((2,)+(reduce(mul,source_positions.shape[1:]),)).transpose()) now = time.time() logray.debug("Tree query completed in {0:.3f}s".format(now-last_timestamp)) last_timestamp = now apparent_positions = initial_grid[:,apparent_position_index].reshape(source_positions.shape) #Return the measured apparent distances return apparent_positions
######################################################### #######################Graphics########################## #########################################################
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the RayTracer plotting engine """ self._x_pos = list() self._y_pos = list()
[docs] def displayRays(self,initial_positions,z=2.0,projection="2d",fig=None,ax=None,axisbg="grey",raycolor="orange",lenscolor="blue"): """ Uses matplotlib to display a visual of the lens system and of the deflection that the light rays which traverse it undergo param initial_positions: initial angular positions of the light ray bucket, according to the observer; if unitless, the positions are assumed to be in radians. initial_positions[0] is x, initial_positions[1] is y :type initial_positions: numpy array or quantity :param z: redshift of the sources; if an array is passes, a redshift must be specified for each ray, i.e. z.shape==initial_positions.shape[1:] :type z: float. or array :param projection: can be "2d" for the projections of the ray positions along x and y or "3d" for the full 3d view :type projection: str. :param fig: figure object that owns the plot :type fig: matplotlib figure """ if matplotlib is None: raise ValueError("matplotlib not found!") #Instantiate axes if (fig is None) or (ax is None): if projection=="2d": self.fig, = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(16,8),subplot_kw={"axisbg":axisbg}) elif projection=="3d": pass else: raise ValueError("projection must be either 2d or 3d!") else: self.fig = fig = ax #Compute the positions of the light rays across the lens system initial_positions = initial_positions.reshape((2,)+(reduce(mul,initial_positions.shape[1:]),)) pos = self.shoot(initial_positions,z,save_intermediate=True) #Add a 0 position corresponding to the observer, and the initial positions too pos = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1,) + pos.shape[1:]),initial_positions[None,:].value,pos.value)) * pos.unit #Construct an array with the comoving distance of the lenses distance_lenses = np.array([ for d in [0.0 * Mpc] + self.distance[:pos.shape[0]] ]) * Mpc distance = distance_lenses.copy() redshift = np.array([0.0]+self.redshift[:pos.shape[0]]) #Correct the last position if the last redshift falls between two lenses distance[-1] = distance[-2] + (distance[-1] - distance[-2]) * (z - redshift[-2]) / (redshift[-1] - redshift[-2]) if projection=="2d": if not (hasattr(self,"_x_pos") and hasattr(self,"_y_pos")): self.reset() #Plot the x,y positions if len(self._x_pos)==0 and len(self._y_pos)==0: for nray in range(pos.shape[2]): self._x_pos.append([0].plot(distance[:pos.shape[0]],distance[:pos.shape[0]]*pos[:,0,nray].to(rad),color=raycolor)[0]) self._y_pos.append([1].plot(distance[:pos.shape[0]],distance[:pos.shape[0]]*pos[:,1,nray].to(rad),color=raycolor)[0])[0].set_xlabel(r"$\chi$({0})".format(distance.unit.to_string()))[0].set_ylabel(r"$x$({0})".format(distance.unit.to_string()))[1].set_xlabel(r"$\chi$({0})".format(distance.unit.to_string()))[1].set_ylabel(r"$y$({0})".format(distance.unit.to_string())) #Plot the lenses too for d in distance_lenses: for i in range(2): min = distance[-1]* max = distance[-1]*[i].plot(d*np.ones(100),np.linspace(min,max,100),color=lenscolor) else: for nray in range(pos.shape[2]): self._x_pos[nray].set_xdata(distance[:pos.shape[0]]) self._y_pos[nray].set_xdata(distance[:pos.shape[0]]) self._x_pos[nray].set_ydata(distance[:pos.shape[0]]*pos[:,0,nray].to(rad)) self._y_pos[nray].set_ydata(distance[:pos.shape[0]]*pos[:,1,nray].to(rad)) #Plot the lenses too for d in distance_lenses: for i in range(2): min = distance[-1]* max = distance[-1]*[i].plot(d*np.ones(100),np.linspace(min,max,100),color=lenscolor) #Adjust the x,y axis range[0].set_xlim(0,self.distance[-1].value)[1].set_xlim(0,self.distance[-1].value) else: pass