Source code for lenstools.simulations.nicaea

from __future__ import division

import types

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from astropy.cosmology import w0waCDM
import astropy.units as u

	from ..extern import _nicaea
except ImportError:

##########Nicaea built-in redshift distributions##########

_nicaea_builtin = dict()
_nicaea_builtin["ludo"] = 5
_nicaea_builtin["jonben"] = 5
_nicaea_builtin["ymmk"] = 5
_nicaea_builtin["single"] = 2
_nicaea_builtin["hist"] = 0

###########Useful to check validity of redshift distribution inputs#############

def _check_redshift(z,distribution,distribution_parameters,**kwargs):

	#Parse redshift distribution from input
	if type(z)==np.float:
		nzbins = 1
		nofz = ["single"]
		Nnz = np.array([2],dtype=np.int32)
		par_nz = np.array([z,z])

	elif type(distribution)==types.FunctionType:

		assert type(z)==np.ndarray and z.ndim==1,"distribution is a callable, hence z must be a one dimensional array!"
		if distribution_parameters is None:
		assert distribution_parameters in ["one","all"],"distribution is a callable, hence distribution_parameters must be either 'one' or 'all'"

		if distribution_parameters=="one":
			nzbins = 1
			nofz = ["hist"]
			Nnz = np.array([2*len(z)-1],dtype=np.int32)

			#Format paramaters accordingly
			midpoints = 0.5*(z[1:]+z[:-1])
			gal_in_bin = distribution(midpoints,**kwargs)
			par_nz = np.concatenate((np.array([z[0],z[-1]]),z[1:-1],gal_in_bin))
			assert len(par_nz)==Nnz[0]


			nzbins = len(z)-1
			nofz = ["hist"]*nzbins
			Nnz = np.ones(nzbins,dtype=np.int32)*3

			#Format paramaters accordingly
			midpoints = 0.5*(z[1:]+z[:-1])
			gal_in_bin = distribution(midpoints,**kwargs)
			par_nz = np.zeros(3*nzbins)

			for n in range(nzbins):
				par_nz[3*n] = z[n]
				par_nz[3*n+1] = z[n+1]
				par_nz[3*n+2] = gal_in_bin[n]

		assert z is None,"If you want to specify the distribution parameters manually z must be None"
		assert hasattr(distribution,"__iter__") and hasattr(distribution_parameters,"__iter__"),"If you want to specify the distribution parameters manually both distribution and distribution parameters must be iterable!"
		assert hasattr(distribution,"__len__") and hasattr(distribution_parameters,"__len__"),"distribution and distribution_parameters must be countable!"
		assert len(distribution)==len(distribution_parameters),"The lists must have the same length"

		nzbins = len(distribution)
		nofz = list(distribution)
		Nnz = list()
		for n,distr_in_bin in enumerate(nofz):
			assert distr_in_bin in _nicaea_builtin.keys(),"{0} must be one of NICAEA built in types: {1}".format(distr_in_bin,_nicaea_builtin.keys())
			if distr_in_bin=="hist":

				#Check that number of parameters is odd to conform to standard
				assert len(distribution_parameters[n]%2==1)


				#Check that number of parameters conforms to standard
				assert len(distribution_parameters[n])==_nicaea_builtin[distr_in_bin],"You must provide exactly {0} parameters for distribution {1}".format(_nicaea_builtin[distr_in_bin],distr_in_bin)

		#Build the ordered array par_nz
		assert len(Nnz)==nzbins
		par_nz = np.concatenate(distribution_parameters)

	#Return in NICAEA friendly format
	return nzbins,nofz,Nnz,par_nz

######Useful for integrating the linear growth factor ODE#########

def _delta_dot(delta,z,cosmology):
	return _jacobian_delta_dot(delta,z,cosmology).dot(delta)

def _jacobian_delta_dot(delta,z,cosmology):

	Om = cosmology.Om(z)
	Ode = cosmology.Ode(z)
	w = cosmology.w(z)
	#Linear term in the ODE
	linear21 = 1.5*Om / (1+z)**2
	linear22 = -0.5 * (Om+Ode*(1+3*w)) / (1+z)

	#Return the jacobian
	return np.array([[0.0,1.0],[linear21,linear22]])

##########NicaeaSettings class############

[docs]class NicaeaSettings(dict): """ Class handler of the code settings (non linear modeling, tomography, transfer function, etc...) """ def __init__(self): super(NicaeaSettings,self).__init__() #Default settings self["snonlinear"]="smith03_revised" self["stransfer"]="eisenhu" self["sgrowth"]="growth_de" self["sde_param"]="linder" self["normmode"]="norm_s8" self["stomo"]="tomo_all" self["sreduced"]="none" self["q_mag_size"]=1.0
[docs] @classmethod def default(cls): """ Generate default settings :returns: NicaeaSettings defaults instance """ return cls()
@property def knobs(self): """ Lists available settings to tune """ return self.keys()
[docs] def available(self,knob): """ Given a settings, lists all the possible values """ #Available settings if knob=="snonlinear": return [ "linear", "pd96", "smith03", "smith03_de", "coyote10", "coyote13", "halodm", "smith03_revised" ] elif knob=="stransfer": return [ "bbks", "eisenhu", "eisenhu_osc", "be84" ] elif knob=="sgrowth": return [ "heath", "growth_de" ] elif knob=="sde_param": return [ "jassal", "linder", "earlyDE", "poly_DE" ] elif knob=="normmode": return [ "norm_s8" , "norm_as" ] elif knob=="stomo": return [ "tomo_all", "tomo_auto_only", "tomo_cross_only" ] elif knob=="sreduced": return ["none", "reduced_K10"] elif knob=="q_mag_size": print("Positive float") return None else: raise ValueError("{0} is not a tunable setting!".format(knob))
########################################## ##########Nicaea class#################### ##########################################
[docs]class Nicaea(w0waCDM): """ Main class handler for the python bindings of the NICAEA cosmological code, written by M. Kilbinger & collaborators """ def __init__(self,H0=72.0,Om0=0.26,Ode0=0.74,Ob0=0.046,w0=-1.0,wa=0.0,sigma8=0.800,As=None,ns=0.960,m_nu=np.array([0.,0.,0.])*u.eV,name=None): super(Nicaea,self).__init__(H0,Om0,Ode0,w0=w0,wa=wa,Ob0=Ob0,m_nu=m_nu,name=name) self.sigma8 = sigma8 self.As = As self.ns = ns def __repr__(self): astropy_string = super(Nicaea,self).__repr__() pieces = astropy_string.split(",") si8_piece = u" sigma8={0}".format(self.sigma8) ns_piece = u" ns={0}".format(self.ns) return ",".join(pieces[:3] + [si8_piece,ns_piece] + pieces[3:]) #Neutrino masses in eV @property def mva(self): return self.m_nu[0].to(u.eV).value @property def mvb(self): return self.m_nu[1].to(u.eV).value @property def mvc(self): return self.m_nu[2].to(u.eV).value #Cosmology ID useful for book--keeping def cosmo_id(self,parameters=["Om"],legend={"Om":"Om0"},fmt="{0:.3f}"): return "_".join([p + fmt.format(getattr(self,legend[p])) for p in parameters])
[docs] @classmethod def fromCosmology(cls,cosmo): """ Builds a Nicaea instance from one of astropy.cosmology objects, from which it inherits all the cosmological parameter values :param cosmo: one of astropy cosmology instances :type cosmo: astropy FLRW :returns: Nicaea instance with the cosmological parameters inherited from cosmo """ #Get the cosmological parameter values out of the cosmo object H0 = cosmo.H0.value Om0 = cosmo.Om0 Ode0 = cosmo.Ode0 #Dark energy if hasattr(cosmo,"w0"): w0=cosmo.w0 else: w0=-1.0 if hasattr(cosmo,"wa"): wa=cosmo.wa else: wa=0.0 #Neutrinos m_nu = cosmo.m_nu Neff = cosmo.Neff Onu0 = cosmo.Onu0 #Set these manually to default ns = 0.960 sigma8 = 0.800 As = 2.1000 Ob0 = 0.046 #Instantiate return cls(H0=H0,Om0=Om0,Ode0=Ode0,Ob0=Ob0,w0=w0,wa=wa,sigma8=sigma8,As=As,ns=ns,m_nu=m_nu)
################################################################################################################ ################################################################## ###########Growth factor and its derivative####################### ################################################################## def growth_factor(self,z,delta0=np.array([1.0,0.0]),**kwargs): """ Computes the linear growth factor at redshift z, given initial conditions on the density contrast :param z: array of redshifts on which to compute the growth factor :type z: array. :param delta0: initial condition (delta0,Ddelta0/dz) for the ODE :type delta0: array. :param kwargs: the keyword arguments are passed to odeint :type kwargs: dict. :returns: growth factor and its redshift derivative :rtype: array """ return odeint(_delta_dot,y0=delta0,t=z,Dfun=_jacobian_delta_dot,args=(self,),**kwargs) / delta0[0] ################################################################################################################
[docs] def convergencePowerSpectrum(self,ell,z=2.0,distribution=None,distribution_parameters=None,settings=None,**kwargs): """ Computes the convergence power spectrum for the given cosmological parameters and redshift distribution using NICAEA :param ell: multipole moments at which to compute the power spectrum :type ell: array. :param z: redshift bins for the sources; if a single float is passed, single redshift is assumed :type z: float., array or None :param distribution: redshift distribution of the sources (normalization not necessary); if None a single redshift is expected; if callable, z must be an array, and a single redshift bin is considered, with the galaxy distribution specified by the call of distribution(z); if a list is passed, each element must be a NICAEA type :type distribution: None,callable or list :param distribution_parameters: relevant only when distribution is a list or callable. When distribution is callable, distribution_parameters has to be one between "one" and "all" to decide if one or multiple redshift bins have to be considered. If it is a list, each element in it should be the tuple of parameters expected by the correspondent NICAEA distribution type :type distribution_parameters: str. or list. :param settings: NICAEA code settings :type settings: NicaeaSettings instance :param kwargs: the keyword arguments are passed to the distribution, if callable :type kwargs: dict. :returns: ( NlxNz array ) computed power spectrum at the selected multipoles (when computing the cross components these are returned in row major C ordering) """ if _nicaea is None: raise ImportError("You need to install the Nicaea bindings to use this routine! Check your GSL/FFTW3 installations!") assert isinstance(ell,np.ndarray) #If no settings provided, use the default ones if settings is None: settings=NicaeaSettings.default() #Check sanity of input nzbins,nofz,Nnz,par_nz = _check_redshift(z,distribution,distribution_parameters,**kwargs) #Compute the power spectrum via NICAEA power_spectrum_nicaea = _nicaea.shearPowerSpectrum(self.Om0,self.Ode0,self.w0,self.wa,self.H0.value/100.0,self.Ob0,self.Onu0,self.Neff,self.sigma8,self.ns,nzbins,ell,Nnz,nofz,par_nz,settings,None) #Return if power_spectrum_nicaea.shape[1]==1: return power_spectrum_nicaea[:,0] else: return power_spectrum_nicaea
[docs] def shearTwoPoint(self,theta,z=2.0,distribution=None,distribution_parameters=None,settings=None,kind="+",**kwargs): """ Computes the shear two point function for the given cosmological parameters and redshift distribution using NICAEA :param theta: angles at which to compute the two point function :type theta: array. with units :param z: redshift bins for the sources; if a single float is passed, single redshift is assumed :type z: float., array or None :param distribution: redshift distribution of the sources (normalization not necessary); if None a single redshift is expected; if callable, z must be an array, and a single redshift bin is considered, with the galaxy distribution specified by the call of distribution(z); if a list is passed, each element must be a NICAEA type :type distribution: None,callable or list :param distribution_parameters: relevant only when distribution is a list or callable. When distribution is callable, distribution_parameters has to be one between "one" and "all" to decide if one or multiple redshift bins have to be considered. If it is a list, each element in it should be the tuple of parameters expected by the correspondent NICAEA distribution type :type distribution_parameters: str. or list. :param settings: NICAEA code settings :type settings: NicaeaSettings instance :param kind: must be "+" or "-" :type kind: str. :param kwargs: the keyword arguments are passed to the distribution, if callable :type kwargs: dict. :returns: ( NtxNz array ) computed two point function at the selected angles (when computing the cross components these are returned in row major C ordering) """ if _nicaea is None: raise ImportError("You need to install the Nicaea bindings to use this routine! Check your GSL/FFTW3 installations!") assert isinstance(theta,np.ndarray) #If no settings provided, use the default ones if settings is None: settings=NicaeaSettings.default() #Convert angles in radians theta_rad = #Check sanity of input nzbins,nofz,Nnz,par_nz = _check_redshift(z,distribution,distribution_parameters,**kwargs) #Plus or minus? if kind=="+": pm = 1 elif kind=="-": pm = -1 else: raise ValueError("kind must be either + or -") #Compute the two point function using NICAEA two_point_function_nicaea = _nicaea.shear2pt(self.Om0,self.Ode0,self.w0,self.wa,self.H0.value/100.0,self.Ob0,self.Onu0,self.Neff,self.sigma8,self.ns,nzbins,theta_rad,Nnz,nofz,par_nz,settings,pm) #Return if two_point_function_nicaea.shape[1]==1: return two_point_function_nicaea[:,0] else: return two_point_function_nicaea